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Reflection – 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Aug 2, 2024

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Answer The Call


Today begins National Vocations Awareness Week in Australia. This week is an opportunity to reflect on and promote vocations, in particular the vocations of priesthood and religious life. It is a week of thanksgiving for those brave men and women who have dedicated their lives to God in this particular way. However, more importantly a time to inspire and encourage young men and women to bravely answer God’s call.

From my experience the journey to priesthood or religious life is slightly different for everyone, yet there are some recognizable similarities. It begins and ends with a deep burning love for Jesus Christ. From within this relationship with Christ comes a sense of a calling, which is always subtle and persistent, it urges people on to live for something greater than themselves, which can be summed up in a life of faith, sacrifice, and service. The vocations of priesthood and religious life are not by any standards “just another job”. They are a lifelong commitment to loving Jesus Christ with every fibre of your being and doing your very best to infect as many people as you can with this love.

This lifelong commitment is a life that you learn to love. It is a life grounded in a desire to serve God and humanity. Life within the priesthood offers an array of opportunities for men of all skills and abilities to discover and express their gifts, such as: spiritual guidance, celebrating the sacraments, public speaking, managing director of multimillion dollar company, bringing comfort to the sick, elderly, and dying to name a few. In short, a priest is all things to all people. By becoming a priest, one enters a life of spiritual depth and connection with God, which brings immense personal fulfilment and joy.

Similarly, religious life provides an opportunity to live in a close-knit community dedicated to prayer, service, and the pursuit of holiness. Religious men and women commit themselves to a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience, following the example of Jesus Christ. This way of life allows them to focus entirely on their spiritual growth and their mission, whether it be in education, healthcare, social justice, or other forms of ministry. The communal aspect of religious life offers a supportive environment where individuals can grow in faith and contribute to the broader mission of the Church.

The journey of discernment is challenging and cannot travelled alone, which is why one of the key messages of National Vocations Awareness Week is that everyone has a role in fostering vocations. Families, educators, and parish communities are all called to create an environment where young people feel supported and encouraged to explore their vocational calling. Simple acts of encouragement, such as praying for vocations, offering guidance, encouraging young people to be a part of the many parish youth programs, or telling your kids that they can be a priest or religious brother/sister when they grow up, can make a significant difference in someone’s discernment journey.

As we celebrate National Vocations Awareness Week, let us remember that vocations are a gift to the Church and the world. Let us pray for an increase in vocations and for the strength and courage of those who are discerning their path. May we all be inspired by their example and strive to support and encourage the next generation of priests and religious.

In the words of Pope Francis, “Vocations are born in prayer and from prayer; and only through prayer can they persevere and bear fruit.” Let us all commit to fostering a culture of vocations through our prayers, encouragement, and support.


Fr Isaac Falzon

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