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Latest Parish News Feb 16, 2024

Fifth Sunday of Lent
world day of prayer 2024

World Day of Prayer 2024

Stella Maris Catholic Parish will be hosting the annual World Day of Prayer at 10.30am on Friday, 1 March (please not change of date), followed by morning tea.

World Day of Prayer is a worldwide ecumenical movement of many faith traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year. Appropriately, this year’s prayer service has been prepared by the Christian women of Palestine. The theme is “I beg you… to bear with one another in love”. We hope to see many of our parishioners there to extend a warm welcome to the visitors from other faith traditions. On the same day in Coolum this year the World Day of Prayer will be hosted at Coolum Christian Family Church while in Buderim the Uniting Church will host the service.


Anointing & Healing Mass

Every First Friday, there is an Anointing & Healing Mass at Stella Maris. The next Anointing Mass coincides with the World Day of Prayer on Friday, 1 March. Parishioners are invited to stay and join fellow neighbouring Christians for the short service followed by morning tea.

Multicultural Mass Preparation

Once again in June we will celebrate our the diversity of our universal faith at our Multicultural Mass. To ensure that it is once again an enjoyable and successful occasion, there will be an initial planning meeting on Saturday, 9 March at 9:30am at Stella Maris.

All coordinators and parishioners interested in helping organizing this year’s gathering are warmly welcome.

Reading Group

Last Monday the Reading Group celebrated their first anniversary. From Chesterton to Dostoyevsky, Graham Greene to Gerard Manley Hopkins, the rich diversity of Christian culture and literature has been explored. Currently the Lenten reflection is on St Thomas More.

The reading Group meets every Monday evening, 6:30pm at Stella Maris and new members are welcome – for more information please call Aimee 0412 871 467.

Practical Almsgiving

A very practical way of showing your solidarity with your fellow believers, who live in countries around the world where life is cheap and a daily struggle, is through this year’s Project Compassion appeal. Through your financial sacrifice, you stand with and support those on the fringe of life and your commitment does make a difference. There are Project Compassion envelopes at the entrance to all our churches.


Baptismal Preparation

The next baptismal preparation session will be held on Thursday, 7 March at 6.00pm in Stella Maris church. At this short meeting the symbols of baptism will be explained, questions answered and baptismal dates finalised. T

o book in and receive the paperwork before the meeting please email the Parish office ([email protected]) The baptismal preparation sessions are held on the first Thursday of every month.



Knights of the Southern Cross

The Knights of the Southern Cross (KSC) presented present our newly ordained Priest Fr Isaac with a Knights of the Southern Cross book and gift. It’s customary and a long tradition to provide support to Priests.
Pictured are members of KSC Maroochydore; Kieran Fawcett, Kerry Brace, Peter Baartz, Mark Neal and John Legg making the presentation to Fr Isaac.




Celebrating and Remembering

We welcome into God’s Family, the Church, Riviera Echter, Olive Kerswill, James and Oliver Pearce who will be baptised this weekend in our parish.

We pray for all those who have died, especially Monica Robinson, Elaine Whittle, Bob Bygott & Janette Garcia.

May Their souls and the souls of all our departed loved ones, through the rich mercy of God, Rest in Peace.

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