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Latest Parish News Apr 26, 2024

Fifth Sunday of Easter
Latest Parish News

Hospitality next weekend

On the first weekend of the month we always have a special emphasis on hospitality. If we want to be a friendly community, we need to also be a welcoming community and providing hospitality is an excellent way of meeting new and old parishioners alike. Please join us after Mass next weekend. Thank you to the different groups who organise our hospitality each month.



Monthly Meetings

All local groups are reminded that the monthly meetings scheduled for the first Wednesday of the month take place this coming week. Coolum members, your meeting is at 12.00pm, Buderim’s meeting is 2.00pm, Sippy Downs, 4.30pm and Maroochydore’s meeting is at 6.00pm. On behalf of the entire Parish, thank you to the parishioners who generously volunteer to serve on these coordinating and leadership committees.




Baptismal Preparation

toddler baptized
The next baptismal preparation session will be held this Thursday 2 May at 6.00pm in Stella Maris Church. At this short meeting, the symbols of baptism will be explained, questions answered, and baptismal dates finalised. To book and receive the paperwork before the meeting, please email the Parish office.

The baptismal preparation sessions are held on the first Thursday of every month.

Anointing and Healing Mass

Every First Friday, there is an Anointing & Healing Mass at Stella Maris. This coming Friday, 3 May is the First Friday and a warm invitation to all parishioners and friends to join us at 9.00am at Stella Maris for Mass followed by morning tea. Check on your neighbours and see if they would like to join you?




Następna polska Msza św

The next Mass in Polish will be celebrated at St Mary’s Buderim this Sunday, 28 April at 4.00pm. Tell your Polish friends—all welcome.

Our Polish brothers and sisters celebrate the Eucharist on the fourth Sunday of every month at St Mary’s, Buderim.

Stella Maris Parish Facebook

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Visit our Facebook page! There is just too much happening in our Parish to fit into our weekly newsletter! You will receive updates on what’s happening within the parish, religious articles and content of interest. It is also a way we contact you with urgent news. “Like” our Facebook page, and you will be kept notified of new posts and help to promote the Parish page to more viewers. Just go to and click on the ‘thumbs up” under any of our posts.

You can’t be too careful!

All of us have no doubt come across scams looking for money or banking details. We have to continually be vigilant because many of the scams are very clever and often hard to initially identify. At the moment there are emails doing the rounds purportedly coming from your priests looking for money – they are scams – your priests will never send you an email asking for money or your banking details. If you do come across an email that is a scam what you should do is: never open the email, and immediately delete it from both your inbox and your recycle bin/deleted items folders.




May is the month of the most Blessed Virgin Mary

During the month of May, you are invited to join in praying the Rosary to honour Mary, the Mother of God and Mother of the Church at one of the many opportunities in our parish. Please join us. Go to our facebook page for more information.

On the journeyWhere life meets Faith








We welcome into God’s Family, the Church, William Stone, Miles Grant, Poppy Wallace, Hugo Wallace and Amber Eichman Gould who will be baptised this weekend in our parish.

We celebrate the marriage of Imogen Doyleand Bill Mason who were married this week at Stella Maris Church.

We pray for all those who have died, especially Giuseppe Circelli, Agnes Murphy, Gwenda Wylesand Suzanne McGarry.

May the souls of all our departed through the rich mercy of God, Rest in Peace.



Assistive Listening System launches at Stella Maris 

Hearing is a sense we all rely on in some way, but we cannot assume that everyone hears the same way, or equally as well. For people with hearing loss the ability to hear speech and important sounds is diminished. At Stella Maris church we have a Assistive Listening System that transmits audio directly from the source to the listener’s ear without amplifying ambient noise. If you would like to access the system or find out more information contact a Mass coordinator or the sacristan.












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