Now Is The Time
On the back page of this weekend’s newsletter is the “paper” Flocknote Registration Form for our Parish. This Australia-wide specifically designed Church data programme replaces our old obsolete census. It will allow us to communicate more professionally with our ministry outreach. If you have not had a chance to complete the registration please take a few moments to visit or returning the hardcopy registration from this weekend’s newsletter in the collection plate next week.
Also, importantly, if you know a neighbour or friend who cannot make it to Mass then perhaps give the newsletter to them with the invitation to complete the details – once it is returned to the office we will complete the process.
Alternatively you can scan the QR Code and follow the prompts. Thank you for becoming a registered member of your Sunshine Coast Parish.
If you have a question or an issue please sends us an email at: st**************@bn*.au
Take the Plunge?
Surely, one of the incredible, spirit-filled experiences of our Parish Family last year was the number of adults who journeyed through the RCIA programme and were baptised and welcomed into the Church. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the journey of enquiry and discernment. It’s a time when we invite individuals to go on to discover more about who we are and what we believe as Catholics. There is already a group preparing to be received into the Church this coming Easter, and in a couple of weeks’ time we will invite anyone else who is not baptised or who would like to discover more about what we believe as Catholics, to join a new RCIA group. If you are interested in joining our new RCIA group or if you simply would like more information, please contact Fr Isaac fa*****@bn*.au.
Handing on the Faith
Handing on the Faith is the most important mission of our community and assisting parents with their task is something we take seriously as a Parish Family. All baptised children in Year 3 or above are welcome to join our Confirmation programme, and all children in Year 4 or above, who have celebrated their Confirmation, are invited to join our First Holy Communion programme. Parents, please go to our parish web page for more details about when the programmes start and to access the registration forms.
Doing the Rounds
If you get a chance, take a few moments after mass and have a look at the “Our Journey of Faith Together” photobook at the entrance to the church. It is a compilation of photos capturing some of the ceremonies, events and ministries of our Parish Family during 2024. It highlights that behind the photos there is a vast array of generous fellow parishioners who give of their time and energy to make all these good things happen! During the year if you have any parish photos please send them to our Digital Manager, Georgia Whiteley.
Module 1 — Catholic Theology in Context
Register now for the first module of the Catholic Foundations course where the content and discussion will address questions such as, if God is infinite, is it even possible to know God? What reasons do we have for belief in the existence of God beyond religious frameworks? Within the Catholic understanding, how has God been revealed to humanity throughout history? These and many other questions will be explored throughout the 10 week course. The course will be run Monday nights commencing the February 3rd from 7-9pm in the Bliss Room. Please register online using the coupon code MaroochydoreMod1. To receive your subsidy or for more information, email Carrolyn Watt at the Parish Office sa*****************@bn*.au or call 5443 3488.
Our Sunshine Coast Catholic Community has emerged as the largest Mass going Parish in the Archdiocese, and this is reflected, also, in the activity and many ministries that are happening within our community.
As a Catholic Parish we proclaim the Good News, celebrate the Sacraments and hopefully by our lives are a beacon of hope, in a sometimes troubled world. But Parishes are much more than that! Parishes these days are a complex web of individuals and groups, each with their own unique requirements and requests. Not only does a well-functioning, forward looking and proactive Parish have to meet their needs, it also has to be compliant with the latest legal, financial, safeguarding and workplace, health and safety legislation and guidelines. It is a continuing changing and multifaceted landscape that we negotiate through!
So when you call the Parish Office with a question or a request, the friendly voices at the end of the line will do their best to give you an answer, action your request or point you in the right direction. Your call could be answered by ~
Lee Coghlan – Parish Secretary (Mon – Wed)
Trish Kelly – Parish Secretary (Wed-Fri)
Carrolyn Watt – Sacramental Coordinator
Georgia Whiteley – Digital Manager
Bev Nunan – Finance
Carolyn Healy – Safeguarding
Judy Glasson – Welcome Committee
Robyn Jewry – Maintenance & Procurement
Our Parish Office is located adjacent to the Stella Maris Church at Maroochydore.
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00– 2:00pm.
Telephone us on: 5443 3488
Email us: su******@bn*.au
For all Parish signups and registration forms visit our webpage:
Children’s Church
Slowly but surely, the summer holidays are drawing to a close and our community is getting back to normal. One of the obvious signs is the resumption of many of the ministries of our Parish. From next weekend, Children’s Church returns at our 8am St Catherine’s Mass and 9am Stella Maris Mass. This is the opportunity for the younger members of our community to be commissioned at the beginning of Mass to go and explore the Sunday scripture and weekend theme of the Mass using age appropriate resources. We are always looking for adults to join teams to help this ministry to continue to flourish – if you are interested or would like more information please contact Carrolyn Watt at the Parish Office sa*****************@bn*.au or call 5443 3488.
An Invitation to You
Our Parish Family is blessed with countless people who quietly fulfil ministry rolls within our community. We all have been given gifts that differ and along our pilgrimage of life we are challenged to share those gifts! From being involved in our weekly liturgical life to reaching out to our brothers and sisters, who cannot join us on a Sunday, to simply helping ensure that our community runs smoothly and is responsive to the changing challenges we face, we all have a role to play.
At the start of every year, we invite the entire Parish Family to reflect upon the ministerial needs of our community and invite you to consider being involved in one of those ministries. Your chance to recommit to your Ministry or sign up for a Ministry, will be on the weekend of February 1st and 2nd. Between now and then, please consider accepting the invitation of being involved in the ministerial life of our Catholic Family.
Stella Maris Parish Office
- Adjacent to the Stella Maris Church
- Office Hours 9am—2pm Weekdays
- Telephone: 5443 3488
- Email: su******@bn*.au
- Website:
At Your Service
- Fr Peter Brannelly
- Fr Isaac Falzon
- Deacon Michael Khoury
- Bishop Brian Heenan
- Bishop Emeritus
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