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News from our Parish schools Feb 9, 2024

Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
news from our parish schools

Siena Catholic Primary School 

Opening School Mass

“Siena GEMs -living Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. To be who God meant us to be!”
Thank you to our staff, students and parishioners who celebrated our Opening School Mass on Wednesday and thank you to Fr Isaac for leading our Eucharistic service. The children were reverent and mindful during the Mass.

The Mass was a lovely celebration where we prayed for and welcomed our new students, families and staff to our very special community here at Siena.
We also asked God to bless us during this year as we endeavour to be GEMs -living Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. To be who God meant us to be! During the mass, the year level covenants were bought forward and blessed by Fr Isaac. These covenants are a promise to how we will try to live, love and learn here at Siena in 2024.

The choir sung beautifully. Many thanks to our music teacher, Gabby Khoury and pianist, Isobel Summit who accompanied and led the choir.




Stella Maris Primary School 


While some think that student leadership is all about Year 12, at Stella Maris we consciously work to develop leadership skills in all students. In Prep, it starts with
learning about turn-taking, listening to and including others and sharing ideas in a respectful way. As students progress through the year levels, they are given lots of
opportunities to develop and implement their leadership skills both inside and outside the classroom. Not all students develop at the same pace and not all will go
on to lead multi national corporations, but that’s okay. It’s about developing the commitment, compassion, creativity and courage in students, so that they are able to
contribute to making the world an even better place.

We recognise the special role of student leadership that our Year 6 students take on this year and ask God to bless them in their journey as they strive to light the way for others, as Jesus calls them to do.



Siena Catholic College  

Last Friday morning, the College community gathered for the induction of our elected student leaders, and the acknowledgement of the leadership role undertaken by our entire Year 12 cohort. We are extremely proud of this wonderful group of young men and women, and we look forward to watching their progression through this, their final year of Secondary school.

Throughout the week, a large number of students have been engaged in sporting trials – in the hope of being selected for Coastal District Teams – best of luck to all involved. In addition, our Year 9 students have braved the showery weather and travelled to Mooloolaba to explore the impact of tourism, while our Year 7 and 8 students were also at Mooloolaba, participating in surf safety and surf skills classes.












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