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Lenten Mission Feb 16, 2024

First Sunday of Lent
Jo Hayes

You Are Invited


Our Parish Lenten Mission starts this Monday


Our Parish Focus for the next 3 days is definitely our Lenten Mission. This Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday (19 – 21February ) beginning with Mass at 4:30pm and then the Mission from 5 to 6pm, all parishioners are invited to join this year’s mission director, Jo Hayes as she leads us through the three sessions.

Jo Hayes is a television news reporter, Catholic evangelist, and Benedictine Oblate. She holds a Bachelor’s de- gree in Speech Pathology, and a Master’s degree in Journalism.

Jo has spent 15 years as a reporter/presenter in the mainstream media – most recently working for Seven News Australia. In the past three years, she moved into Catholic television, and is a regular presenter/host on Shalom World TV.

Jo has spent the past 7 years in an immersive study of Sacred Scripture, and travels exten- sively around the world, speaking and teaching on The Word of God, and hosting silent retreats.


2024 Lenten Mini Mission Session Outlines


Monday 19th Feb: How to Hear from God

It is possible to hear from God on a daily basis. To have an intimate,   personal relationship with God that practically transforms our everyday life – leading to greater peace, joy, clarity, direction and freedom.

Tuesday 20th Feb: Living a life of radical holiness – sin and the  Sacrament of Confession

‘Holiness’ is not just for ‘the great saints’. Holiness is possible for everyday folk, like you and I.  What it looks like to pursue holiness, the consequence of sin, and the freedom that comes with regular Confession.

Wednesday 21st Feb: Harnessing the power of The Word of God – a session on Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina is the prayerful reading of Divine Scripture. Learn the what/why/how of this ancient spiritual practice, and how knowing,    believing and applying The Word will radically transform your life.


Our Parish Mini Mission will begin with 4:30pm Mass immediately followed by the Lenten Mission from 5 to 6pm. If you can’t make the Maroochydore evening sessions, you can always attend the Lenten Mission at Caloundra each morning with Mass at 9.00am followed by the presentation.


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