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Easter 2024. Alleluia – Love’s redeeming work is done. Mar 29, 2024

Easter Sunday
Rejoice. He is Risen

This Easter Weekend,  our grateful  parish says Thank you!

In many ways our parish family resembles an iceberg – most of what goes on is unseen, hidden beneath the surface. Our celebrations over the past couple of weeks culminating with Holy Week and Easter are the result of the dedicated hard work and commitment of so many. So on this Easter weekend thank you to all our sacristans, church cleaners, AV operators, proclaimers of the Word and Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers. Thank you to our musicians and singers, liturgy committee members and all who helped organize our liturgies in the lead up to Holy Week. From audio visual slides to our liturgical art group who ensured that our senses were attuned to the changing seasons of the church, Lent, Holy Week and Easter is a complicated task in logistics and coordination.

Backing them all are countless unnamed parishioners who, without making a fuss, clean and prepare the church and altar and give their time to ensure that all flows smoothly. A grateful Parish today says thank you.


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