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10th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Book a front seat! Jun 8, 2024

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Multicultrual Mass


Next Sunday let’s celebrate our Universal Faith

Next Sunday everyone is invited to be part of multicultural celebrations beginning with Mass at 11.00am.  All the different communities will be helping us celebrate through their distinctive expressions of faith.  It promises to be a truly unique and uplifting Mass full of colour, movement and faith.  Then afterwards on the grounds of Stella Maris Church, the celebrations continue with food to be shared and culture to be celebrated.  There has been a lot of planning behind the scenes to ensure it will truly be an exciting and colourful celebration of our Universal Faith!

There is an urgency to support the organisers who are co-ordinating the different stalls after Mass, so please accept this invitation and get in contact.  Everyone’s help and involvement is appreciated.

Brazil – Beatriz Marchiori ([email protected])

Colombia – Patricia Zuluya ([email protected])

Croatia – Mirjana Bek-Zembic ([email protected])

Hungary – Peter Kaszas  (0412 000 012 )

India – Michael Joseph ([email protected])

Italy – Rita Magnami (0492 869 490)

Mexico -Lorena Alcarez ([email protected])

Pacific – John Ioane ([email protected])

Philippines – Precy Deleverio ([email protected])

South Africa – Robert Baatjes ([email protected])

Sri Lanka – Camelia Gaylor  ([email protected]

Peru – Mila Sims ([email protected])

Mauritus/USA -Christine and David McDougall ([email protected])

Celtic – Margaret Southon ([email protected]) and Patricia Sweeney Fawcett ([email protected])


Can’t see your group? Would you like to help coordinate a table? Would you like more information? If so, please get in contact with Olga Girle or Fr Peter ([email protected]).


Our Multicultural Mass is inclusive of all in our Parish Family. If you can’t see a group or association that you fit into, then perhaps you might join in the celebrations by bringing something Australian – ANZAC biscuits, lamingtons, jam drops – use your imagination and drop off your contribution at Fr Isaac’s coffee shop!!!


See You next Sunday


Fr Peter Brannelly



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