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Reflection – 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sep 21, 2024

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a key program within the Catholic Church that is designed to guide individuals who wish to explore the Catholic faith and ultimately receive the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.

At Maroochydore Parish, this year marks a significant milestone, as 35 individuals are currently participating in the RCIA program. This milestone reflects the vibrant community we have built together and shows how eager we are to deepen our faith and commitment to Christ.

The RCIA process is rooted in the teachings of the Church, emphasising the importance of community and catechesis. As Pope John Paul II articulated, the parish is not merely a collection of individuals but a living community that embodies the Mystical Body of Christ. It is within this community that the faithful are formed for evangelisation and works of Christian love. Our parish illustrates this by fostering an environment where new members can feel welcomed and supported throughout their spiritual journey.

The RCIA program consists of several stages, beginning with inquiry, where participants ask questions and learn about the Catholic faith. This is followed by the catechumenate phase, where deeper teachings on the faith are provided, including the sacraments, the Scriptures, and the teachings of the Church. As noted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, RCIA is a process that gradually introduces catechumens into the knowledge of the mystery of Christ and the Church. At Maroochydore Parish, the 35 participants come from diverse backgrounds, each with unique stories and experiences. This diversity enriches the program, allowing for a variety of perspectives and insights into the faith. The parish community plays a crucial role in this journey, as members are encouraged to support and accompany the catechumens through prayer, mentorship, and fellowship.

Pope Benedict XVI highlighted the importance of community involvement, stating that the parish is a place where the content of Catholic tradition is passed on. The program culminates in the celebration of the sacraments later this year. It will be a profound moment for both the catechumens and the entire parish community. This year, the anticipation is clear as the parish prepares to welcome these new members into full communion with the Church. The celebration of the sacraments not only marks a significant milestone for the individuals but also revitalises the parish community, as it reflects the ongoing mission of evangelisation and the growth of the Church.

Moreover, the RCIA program here at Maroochydore Parish is not just about the initiation of new members; it is also an opportunity for the entire community to renew their own faith. As the parish engages with the catechumens, long-time members are reminded of the beauty and depth of their own baptismal promises. This mutual exchange of faith and support fosters a stronger, more vibrant parish community, echoing the sentiments of Pope John Paul II, who emphasised the need for parishes to be centres of renewal and evangelisation.

In conclusion, the RCIA program at Maroochydore Parish is a testament to the living faith of the community. With 35 individuals embarking on this transformative journey, our parish stands as a beacon of hope and a model of Christian initiation. As the community prepares to celebrate the sacraments with these new members, it is a reminder of the Church’s mission to invite all into the fullness of life in Christ. The journey of faith continues, and the Maroochydore Parish community is excited to walk alongside these new members as they take their first steps into a deeper relationship with God.

Fr Isaac Falzon


Stella Maris Parish Office

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