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Latest Parish News Dec 8, 2023

Second Sunday of Advent

Archdiocese Announcement 

Fr Will’s holidays will begin immediately after Christmas and he will return to the Parish on 7 January. We wish him all the best in his upcoming placement to Dutton Park as Parish Priest and pray that the Lord will guide him through this new and exciting time.

Parish Nativity Play – Calling our rising stars

We might very well have the next superstar actor sitting in our pews. We’re calling our children to come and prepare with us for the Parish Nativity Play which will be held at 6:30pm on Wednesday 13 December at the Stella Maris  Church. All are welcome to come and watch. Smaller children can come dressed as angels or shepherds. We are seeking students interested in performing in the play, as actors, singers, dancers, or musicians. They will need to be available to attend all the following rehearsals:

  • Monday 11 Dec 10:30am-12.00pm
  • Tuesday 12 Dec 10:30am-12noon
  • Wed 13 Dec 9:00am 11:00am
  • and the performance at 6:30pm.

If you are interested, please contact Bernie Baillie or phone the parish office on 5443 3488.


Sisters of Mary Morning Star

A reminder, we will host the Sisters of Mary Morning Starat Stella Maris, Maroochydore this Sunday 10 December. If you can donate, there is a list below:

  • Olive oil
  • Oats or Weetbix
  • Vegemite
  • Instant noodles
  • Vinegar (Balsamic or Apple Cider)
  • Cans of tuna, beans, corn, olives, tomatoes
  • Sugar
  • Rice
  • Tea (black and herbal)
  • Honey
  • Flour
  • Peanut Butter (sugar free)
  • Coffee (instant and for brewing)
  • Buscuits
  • Some UHT Milk

Small amounts, for special occasions only:

  • Nutella (or other fancy spread)
  • Wine (a couple of bottles for Christmas dinner)
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Granola or other fancy cereal
  • Cleaning products: liquid laundry detergent, WC cleaner, shower cleaner
  • Stationery: ballpoint pens, notebooks, glue sticks, A4 paper




Christmas Mass Times

With Christmas around the corner, we want to provide Parishioners with every opportunity to prepare for our Christmas Masses. This year will be slightly strange because Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday which means that the Vigil Masses on Saturday 23rd and morning Masses on Sunday 24th will be the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Masses celebrated from 4.00pm onwards on Sunday 24th will then be Christmas Eve Masses.

Saturday 23 December

  • 4:30pm St Peter’s, Coolum
  • 6:00pm Stella Maris, Maroochydore

Sunday 24 December

  • 6:30am Stella Maris, Maroochydore
  • 7:30am St Peter’s, Coolum
  • 8:00am St Catherine’s, Sippy Downs
  • 9.00am Stella Maris, Maroochydore
  • 9:30am St Mary’s, Buderim.

Sunday Christmas Eve   24 December

  • 4.00pm Stella Maris, Maroochydore
  • 5.00pm St Peter’s, Coolum
  • 5.00pm St Catherine’s, Sippy Downs
  • 6.00pm Stella Maris, Maroochydore
  • 12.00am Stella Maris, Maroochydore

Monday Christmas Day   25 December

  • 6:30am Stella Maris, Maroochydore
  • 7:30am St Peter’s, Coolum
  • 9.00am Stella Maris, Maroochydore
  • 9:30am St Mary’s, Buderim



Second rite of reconciliation

Last year we had a phenomenal response to the Second Rite of Reconciliation both in Lent and Advent. This time around we hope to cater for another grand event where we humbly come before the Lord in the Sacrament of Reconciliation as a way of preparing for Christmas. We’ve partnered with the Caloundra Catholic Parish to have the 2nd Rite of Reconciliation on Saturday 16 December at Our Lady of the Rosary, Caloundra at 9.00am.

This means the 2nd Rite of Reconciliation will be held in our parish on Tuesday 19 December at Stella Maris, Maroochydore at 5.00pm. Parishioners are to note that there will not be any Confessions on Saturday morning 16 December at Maroochydore because the priests will be at Caloundra.

We warmly invite all parishioners to be part of this spiritual exercise.




Mark your calendars everyone for the Annual Misa De Gallo. Sunrise these days is before 5.00am so it is not too much of a challenge to get up a bit earlier and come to Stella Maris Church for our annual Misa de Gallo on Saturday 23 December at 4.00am. The Misa de Gallo translates as “Rooster Mass” and as the first cockcrows are heard at dawn on Saturday 23 December, you are invited to join us for Mass and then a fantastic breakfast. The Misa de Gallo tradition is strong in predominately Spanish speaking countries and our local vibrant Filipino community co-ordinates this celebration.

Tell your friends! Everyone is welcome!



Reconciliation at St Mary’s, Buderim

As we draw closer to Christmas we want to make sure that everyone prepares as well as possible for this sacred time in our Liturgical Calendar. To that end, Reconciliation will be on offer to those in the St Mary’s community on 20 December after the 7am Mass. We especially encourage those who find it difficult to travel to attend these Confessions. See you there!



Catholic Mission appeal 2023

On behalf of the Missions Office, thank you to all parishioners who generously supported this year’s appeal. We deposited $5,312.10. This is truly a phenomenal effort by our Parish. Once again, on behalf of all those who directly benefit from your generosity, “Thank You”.



HALF way next week—Gaudete Sunday

pink clustered-petal flower

Next weekend (Third Sunday of Advent) is also called Gaudete Sunday and we light the rose coloured candle on our Advent Wreath. To add to the solemnity of this weekend our Stella Maris Liturgical environment group is looking for some help. Do you have any pink flowers for our church’s arrangements? If you can help at all, please contact the Parish Office.



Ecumenical carols at St Peter’s

This coming Thursday on 14 December at 5:30pm, St Peter’s Coolum will host this year’s Ecumenical Carols. Come along to this wonderful event as we join with our Christian brothers and sisters to hear the message of Christmas in an interactive and creative way. All are welcome.


Junior Ministers

Last week on Sunday, our Junior Ministers drove all the way out to Caloundra to enjoy the icy cold skating rink. Although there were a few tumbles and bruises afterwards, the children enjoyed their time together. We thank our ministers for the their service over this past year and look to the new year with the hopes of some new recruits.


Religious instruction in State Schools

As we look to the new year, we warmly invite our retired teachers who have spare time and would like to assist in going out to our children in the State Schools for Religious Instruction. If you’re interested and would like to be part of this wonderful ministry., contact the Parish Office to speak to Fr William, or email [email protected]

Christmas rosters

A reminder if you’re available to help with Christmas Masses to put your name down on the rosters. Rosters can be located at the entrance of the Churches.



Fun Days with God

On Tuesday Bernie Baillie led our Fun Days with God, “Advent Adventures” where children spent the day together doing activities and learning about Advent. Here are a few snaps from the day. Thank you to Bernie and all the volunteers that made the day possible.


Vinnies Christmas Appeal


A reminder from the St Vincent’s Conference at Coolum that the Christmas Appeal has well and truly begun. Envelopes will be provided on the pews over the weekend, we invite all parishioners to take the time to donate if possible.

Alternatively direct donations can be made to:
MAROOCHYDORE – BSB 064-786 ACCOUNT 100027046 Reference : Christmas Appeal


COOLUM – BSB 064786 ACCOUNT 100027007 Reference : Christmas Appeal

Email your name for a receipt to [email protected] or[email protected]

On behalf of our local conferences, thanks again for your generous support.



The Parish Office is closed. If you would like to get in contact with the parish, send an email to [email protected], or if you have an emergency follow the prompts on the parish voicemail and call the parish Emergency Phone.


Celebrating and Remembering

We welcome into God’s Family, the Church, Koen Battistin who will be baptised this weekend in our Parish. We prayerfully remember all those who have died. May the souls of all our departed priests, religious, parishioners and family members, through the rich mercy of God, Rest in Peace.



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