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Latest Parish News Jan 25, 2024

Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time
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Year of Prayer

Last Sunday, during the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis inaugurated the Year of Prayer ahead of the 2025 Jubilee Year. The Pope desires the Year of Prayer to be a time of preparation ahead of the Jubilee. He hopes the focus on prayer will renew our desire to be in the presence of the Lord, to listen to him, to adore him, to thank God for his many gifts and to praise his work in creation. He hopes for us to grow in prayer that translates into solidarity and sharing of our resources. He hopes for prayer which leads to holiness and prayer practiced even amidst activity – a year of intense prayer in which we receive the outpouring of God’s grace.

Pope Francis hopes that above any initiatives, the Year of Prayer may be a time of rediscovering the value and practice of prayer.

If you would like to read more about this year’s Year of Prayer and how Pope Francis and the  Prefect and Undersecretary of the Dicastery for Evangelisation is setting up the “School of Prayer” to explore various aspects of every Christian’s “breath of faith” to  helping Catholics prepare for the 2025 Jubilee , please visit Vatican News.

Welcome New Principal- Mrs Collins!

As a Catholic Community we value Catholic Education and recognise that schools these days are complex and sophisticated organisations requiring skilled leadership by people of vision and deep faith. We welcome our new parishioner and new principal of Siena Catholic College to our Sunshine Coast Parish. Sharon Collins is an experienced educator, having worked in Catholic education for 28 years. She began her career as a Biology, Science, Maths and RE teacher at St Francis College, Crestmead. From there Sharon worked at St Moncia’s College, Cairns, as both teacher and Acting APRE, before being appointed foundation APRE of Xavier Catholic College, Hervey Bay.

After 8 years in Hervey Bay, Sharon moved back to family in Toowoomba and worked in Toowoomba Catholic Education as an Education Officer: Faith and Life.

From here, she worked at St Mary’s College, Toowoomba as Assistant Principal Identity, before taking on the Principalship at St Saviour’s College, a role she successfully held for 7 years.

The words of St Catherine of Siena’s will be surely guiding Sharon as she starts this new school year , “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire”.

We wish the administration, teachers, support staff and students involved in the great ministry of education every blessing for this academic year.


Perhaps this Lent will be different?

Ash Wednesday, February 14th, and the beginning of Lent is only 17 days away and now is the time to contemplate what needs to be done to ensure that this year’s Lenten journey is
full of potential and grace.

One of the ways we have incorporated into our Parish Lenten journey over the past couple of years is our Lenten Mini Mission. In the past we have welcomed to our community Fr Richard Leonard, sj, Br Damien Price cfc and Bishop Tim Norton svd. Each of our Mission Leaders have brought a unique perspective to our common faith experience. This year we are delighted to welcome Jo Hayes.

Jo Hayes is a television news reporter, Catholic evangelist, and Benedictine Oblate. She holds a Bachelors degree in Speech Pathology, and a Masters degree in Journalism. Jo has spent 15
years as a reporter/presenter in the mainstream media – most recently working for Seven News Australia. In the past three years, she moved into Catholic television, and is a regular presenter/host on Shalom World TV.

Jo has spent the past 7 years in an immersive study of Sacred Scripture, and travels extensively around the world, speaking and teaching on The Word of God, and hosting silent retreats.

On the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the first week of Lent (Monday, February 19, 20 and 21) we will host our Lenten Mini Mission on the Sunshine Coast. Like in previous
years, the morning session will be at Our Lady of the Rosary, Caloundra with Mass at 9.00am followed at 9:30am with the session. The session will be repeated at Stella Maris in the afternoon beginning with Mass at 4:30pm followed by the session.

More information will be forthcoming as Lent gets closer but now is certainly the time to mark these dates in your diary.
You can find out more about Jo at

Our 2024 Parish Lenten Mini Mission will run from 19-21 February at Stella Maris, Maroochydore. The schedule is:

Monday 19 February: How to Hear from God

It is possible to hear from God on a daily basis. To have an intimate, personal relationship with Him that practically transforms our everyday life – leading to greater peace, joy, clarity, direction and freedom.

Tuesday 20 February: Living a life of radical holiness – sin and the Sacrament of Confession

‘Holiness’ is not just for ‘the great saints’. Holiness is possible for everyday folk, like you and I. What it looks like to pursue holiness, the consequence of sin, and the freedom that comes with regular Confession.

Wednesday 21 February:Harnessing the power of The Word of God – a session on Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina is the prayerful reading of Divine Scripture.
Learn the what/why/how of this ancient spiritual practice, and how knowing, believing and applying The Word will radically transform your life.


Perhaps You?

A vital and usually unsung ministry is our weekly Children’s Church that takes place during Sunday Mass. It is a practical way of passing on the faith and engaging inquisitive minds to be captured by God’s presence. Perhaps for 2024 this is your ministry? We always work as a team and never alone and resources are always provided. A meeting for all Children’s Church volunteers and those interested in finding out more about this ministry will be held in the parish office boardroom Tuesday 6 February at 6pm. For further information please contact Carrolyn 5443 3488.


Następna polska Msza św T

The next Mass in Polish will be celebrated at St Mary’s Buderim this Sunday, January 28th at 4.00pm. Tell your Polish friends. Our Polish community gather for Mass every fourth Sunday of the month and the next month’s Mass will be on Sunday, February 25th at St Mary’s.


Thank you from St Catherine’s community

The St Catherine’s Community would like to thank parishioner Raj Devraj for restoring the St Catherine of Siena statue that is visible along the walkway to the opening of the Church. Raj replaced the hand of St Catherine which had deteriorated and was removed over time. “Her hand is very important as it reaches out to “welcome visitors”, said Helen Matchett who serves on the welcoming committee at Sippy Downs. “Our community prayers have been answered.”

Raj and his wife Ash recently moved to Darwin for work. Ash is expecting their baby next month.
They have been a big part of our parish family and St Catherine’s community, and were also members of the Young Adult Group. Ash was in the RCIA program and on our hospitality roster. They will be missed.

Thank you Raj and Ash!


Sociable Seniors

We’re back for 2024! Once again the Stella Maris Social Group will be meeting for a cuppa at 11.30am at Connections Cafe, 32 Baden Powell Street (opposite the church) on the first Tuesday of the month. Our next gathering will be on Tuesday, February 6th. Come along, bring a friend, make new friends or meet up with old friends. For more information contact Angelina on 0410 660 890.


Llamando a todos los hispanohablantes Calling all Spanish Speakers

Great news! From next month we will be coordinating regular Masses in Spanish and all Spanish speakers are warmly invited. Firstly, on Ash Wednesday, 6pm, February 14th, there will be Mass in Spanish at St Mary’s church, Buderim. Then, Spanish Masses will be celebrated every second Sunday of the month at St Mary’s Buderim starting on Saturday, March 6th. In preparation for Easter there will also be a day of reflection at St Mary’s on Saturday, March 16th from 9am to 5pm. For further details please contact: Rosemary 0401 098 238. Tell your Spanish speaking friends!


World Day of Prayer 2024

Stella Maris Catholic Parish will be hosting the annual World Day of Prayer on Friday, 8 March at 10.00am to be followed by morning tea. World Day of Prayer is a worldwide ecumenical movement of many faith traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year. This year’s prayer service has been prepared by the Christian women of Palestine. The theme is “I beg you… to bear with one another in love”. We hope to see many of our parishioners there to extend a warm welcome to the visitors from other traditions and to be united in prayer for all peoples in the region of Palestine.


Announcement Soon

Hopefully in the next week we will know the names of the six young people who will form our NET team for this year. NET stands for National Evangelization Teams and the members are young Catholics who volunteer a year or two of their lives in the service of the Church. NET has been operating in Australia for over 30 years and hundreds of young Catholics have during that time been a visible and powerful witness of faith, especially to their peers. While our NET team will work across our Parish, their particular ministry focus will be working with Siena College and the St Catherine’s community at Sippy Downs. Currently this year’s NET volunteers are undergoing training at Glendalough Outdoor Education Centre before beginning their ministry. Once again, the funding of this important ministry is made possible only through your continued generous support of your Parish—Thank you.


Planning Underway


This year’s Multicultural Mass will be celebrated at Stella Maris on Sunday, 16 June. Once again it promises to be a colourful, vibrant, and energetic celebration of our diverse Catholic Faith here on the Sunshine Coast. All groups are invited to contemplate how you want to celebrate this year’s Multicultural Mass and the festivities following the Mass. The Final Task The final phase of the minor refurbishment at Stella Maris Church will take place during the week beginning March 4th . It will involve the upgrade of our audio-visual system allowing us to live stream all our Masses, funerals, weddings and other liturgical celebrations. At the same time, a new, designated vesting area will be created for our priests and the final alterations will be made so that the new meeting room adjacent to the church will be fully functional. Because of workplace health and safety regulations the church will be closed that week except for the Monday Mass and reopen in time for the Friday morning Mass.


Presentation on ‘Dementia Awareness’
by Leah Keating, Dementia Doula.













Have you ever wondered what dementia is? Do you know about modifiable risk factors for dementia?
Are you a carer for someone living with dementia? Would you like to learn more about communication
strategies or how to best support your loved one as their brain is changing with the disease?

If you’d like to know more, you are invited to a free presentation on Monday 12 February at 10.00am
at our neighbouring parish at our Lady of the Rosary at Caloundra.
The event will begin with morning tea at 9.30am—sponsored by Holy Cross Funerals.

If you would like to ask Leah anything anonymously about dementia, email Leah at [email protected] and she will cover these at the end of the presentation.
Please RSVP for catering purposes contact the OLR parish office on—[email protected]


New Parking Arrangements

You might have noticed that there are new speed bumps and a boom gate under St Vincent’s. Care. These additions were made necessary for the safety of everyone because there was an increase in cars speeding through the covered carpark in the wrong direction. You can enter the carpark via Baden Powell Street but you cannot exit the carpark to Baden Powell Street – everyone must exit via Church Street. The boom gate will automatically open when you approach it from the Baden Powell entrance – but will not operate if you are trying to enter under St Vincent’s via Church Street. Please, always drive with care in our church parking areas.



New to the neighbourhood?

We live in an extremely mobile society, and especially here on the Sunshine Coast there are always people coming and going. If you are new to our Parish, or if you are reconnecting with the Church, we would love to welcome you more formally to our Parish Family. You will find “welcome packs” at the entrance of our churches, and if you complete and return the forms we will be in contact with you. Once again, welcome.

Please take the time to complete our “I’m new” Form.


Thank you for supporting your Parish Planned Giving Program





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