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Latest Parish News Feb 9, 2024

Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Latest Parish news

Getting Ready

Our Parish Lenten Mission is getting closer! Mark off in your diary Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday (19 – 21 February ) beginning with Mass at 4:30pm and then the Mission from 5.00 to 6.00pm. We are grateful that Jo Hayes has accepted our invitation to lead us over the three days. The outline of the sessions are:

Monday 19th Feb: How to Hear from God

It is possible to hear from God on a daily basis. To have an intimate,   personal relationship with God that practically transforms our everyday life – leading to greater peace, joy, clarity, direction and freedom.

Tuesday 20th Feb: Living a life of radical holiness – sin and the  Sacrament of Confession

‘Holiness’ is not just for ‘the great saints’. Holiness is possible for everyday folk, like you and I.  What it looks like to pursue holiness, the consequence of sin, and the freedom that comes with regular Confession.

Wednesday 21st Feb: Harnessing the power of The Word of God – a session on Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina is the prayerful reading of Divine Scripture. Learn the what/why/how of this ancient spiritual practice, and how knowing,    believing and applying The Word will radically transform your life.

If you know of any fellow Catholics who would like to attend but might struggle with transport, why not invite them and offer them a lift? Perhaps a neighbour or a friend, who has drifted away from the Church, might be grateful to receive an invitation to our Lenten Mission? That is called evangelisation in action!



Misa en Español

All Spanish speakers are reminded that this Ash Wednesday Mass will be celebrated in Spanish at St Mary’s, Buderim at 6.00pm.

Tell your Spanish speaking friends! Looking ahead, we will be celebrating a Mass in Spanish every second Saturday of the month beginning on 9 March. For further details, please contact Patricia 0480 304 643.


World Day of Prayer 2024

Stella Maris Catholic Parish will be hosting the annual World Day of Prayer on Friday, 1 March at 10.30am to be followed by morning tea. World Day of Prayer is a worldwide ecumenical movement of many faith traditions, who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year. This year’s prayer service has been prepared by the Christian women of Palestine. The theme is “I beg you… to bear with one another in love”. We hope to see many of our parishioners there to extend a warm welcome to the visitors from other traditions and to be united in prayer for all peoples in the region of Palestine.



Lenten Programme Meetings

It’s not too late to join a local group and spend this Lent reflecting on the scriptures and some of the most fundamental questions of our earthly journey. There are weekly meetings at St Catherine’s (Wednesday evenings, 6:30pm) and the El Shaddai group (Saturday morning at St Catherine’s) Also at St Peter’s, Coolum, every Wednesday morning at 9.00am.


New To The Neighbourhood?

We live in an extremely mobile society, and especially here on the Sunshine Coast there are always people coming and going.  If you are new to our Parish, or if you are reconnecting with the Church, we would love to welcome you more formally to our Parish Family.  You will find “welcome packs” at the entrance of our churches, and if you complete and return the forms we will be in contact with you.  Alternatively, please take the time to complete our “I’m new” Form. Once again, welcome.











Celebrating and Remembering

We pray for all those who have died, especially Denise Schlecht and Norman Berg (a member of the Buderim community) whose Funeral Rites were celebrated last week. We pray for Elaine Whittle, whose Funeral Rites will be celebrated next Monday. May their souls, and the souls of all our departed through the rich mercy of God, Rest in Peace



Thank you for your continued financial support






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