We live in an incredibly mobile society and there are always plenty of new faces popping up on the Sunshine Coast. In such a large and busy Parish places like ours, it is very easy for new faces to get lost in all the activity and the rush of modern living! The ministry of our Welcome Committee is to extend a warm welcome to new parishioners and provide information about of local Catholic Community. Several times a year we host a “Welcome Party” and the next one is scheduled for Tuesday 16 April in the evening. If you are new to our Sunshine Coast Catholic Family could you please take a welcome pack, which is available at the entrance to the church and complete and return the details so that we can send you an invitation. Alternatively, please complete our I’m New form online, and we’ll get in touch.
On behalf of the entire parish, thanks for joining our local CatholicFamily.
Adults Youth Group
Last Sunday evening we hosted our first Young Adults Group meeting at Stella Maris. After sharing pizza we took the opportunity to explore “A Journey Through Scripture” which is a series by the American Jesuit priest Fr Mark Link sj. The series offers a solid Catholic understanding of scripture and how we should interpret and understand it. The Young Adult Group gathers again after the 5.00pm Mass this Sunday and all Year 12 students and young adults are warmly invited.
Phones Down!
Communication Breakdown—Apologies to all parishioners who were trying to contact the Parish Office last week—Telstra had a major outage that impacted many local businesses and organisations —and unfortunately we were part of the outage. We had to wait for Telstra to fix the problem which we hope has now been rectified. Thankyou for your patience and understanding.
Catholic Formation
Invitation to Formation:
In response to the challenge to provide better adult formation and to provide ongoing formation for those considering ministry roles, the Archdiocesan Centre for Catholic Formation has launched a series of innovative and accessible modules. Each module includes 10 sessions supported with individual reflection that is designed to engage both the head and the heart, so participants grow in knowledge and the lived experience of Catholic faith. The next module starts on Monday, 15 April 2024 and is titled Being Sacramental.
Being Sacramental:
This Module will engage participants in the concepts of sacramentality, the sacraments and their context in liturgy in the Catholic tradition. The module will explore the nature of God’s presence in the sacraments, the nature of grace, how grace is received and experienced in and beyond the sacraments of the Church. The sessions will cover topics including what is sacramentality, signs and symbols and will also explore all seven sacraments. Each module of our Catholic Foundations course is open to all, and you do not need to have completed previous modules in order to register for Module 3, ‘Being Sacramental’.
How it works:
The Stella Maris Catholic Parish is teaming up with Evangelisation Brisbane to subsidise the cost of this course for any parishioner who wants to reach out and understand what they have truly been graced with. Over 10 Monday evenings (15 April, 22 April, 29 April, 13 May, 20 May, 27 May, 3 June, 17 June, 24 June) from 7:00pm – 9:00pm, we will create a hub at Stella Maris and will participate in the live stream coming from Holy Spirit Seminary.
What you need to do next:
To find out more about Being Sacramental and download a copy of the Module 3 prospectus, or to learn more about the Archdiocesan Centre for Catholic Formation,
please visit catholicformation.au. If you would like to find out more you can also talk to either Fr Peter or Fr Isaac or Caroyln. If you would like to be part of the Parish Hub that participates on the 10 Monday evenings please register your interest by calling the Parish Office on (07) 5443 3488.
Archdiocese of Brisbane Synod24
“I am making all things new” Rev 21:5.
This year the Archdiocese will celebrate SYNOD24 to mark the Implementation Phase of the Plenary Council. Together we’ll discern the practical and Spirit-led actions that we, as the Archdiocese of Brisbane, need to undertake to be a more co-responsible church on mission. These actions will take into consideration what is already happening across the Archdiocese that should be affirmed, what learnings can be harnessed and shared, and where the gaps and needs are. SYNOD24 will take place over two sessions, September 6th and 7th and October 11th and 12th, with the Opening and Closing Masses open to the public. More information on the SYNOD24 journey will be released regularly, so head to www.aobsynod2024.com to refresh yourself on the Plenary Journey so far and to learn more about SYNOD24.
Is this you?
Do you want to become a Catholic? Are you a Baptised Catholic who never received the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation?
The RCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the normal process through which an unbaptised adult joins the church and it is the ordinary means of entering the Catholic Church for a person who has been baptised in another Christian denomination.
If you want to become a fully initiated Catholic this inquiry night is for you!
It is a chance to explain the RCIA journey. It will be at Stella Maris at 6.00pm on Wednesday 27 March. For more information please contact Fr Isaac—to register or contact him via email fa*****@bn*.au
Fun Days with God
All primary school aged children are invited to participate in new parish school holiday activities called “Fun Days with God”. These days occur once each school holidays. Our first day for 2024, “Easter Capers”will be held on Monday 8 April from 9.00am-3.00pm at the Stella Maris Church.
It will be an exciting day of fun activities- craft, bible stories, songs, prayer, drama, play and games all based on some of the stories from the Easter Season.
Children need to bring their own morning tea, lunch and hat. The cost of the day is $10.00 per child with a maximum of $20 per family.
We have limited spaces so you will need to contact the parish office to register before Tuesday 2 April.
High school students are also welcome to come and assist us on the day.
For more information or to register please email Bernie Baillie at bb*********@gm***.com or phone the Parish Office 5443 3488.
Polskie Święconka
“Is that Polish for food? No, actually it is Polish for Easter basket!
“The blessing of the Easter baskets” is one of the most enduring and beloved Polish traditions dating back to the 7th century. On Holy Saturday morning people bring decorative and tasteful baskets that contain a sampling of Easter foods that will be shared over the holy season to the church to be blessed.
Our Polish Community warmly invite you to join them next Saturday morning, Holy Saturday, 10:30am at Stella Maris church where Fr Isaac will bless the Easter baskets. Why not bring your own basket of food that you will be sharing over Easter to be blessed? Traditionally the baskets contain Jajka (Eggs), Kielbasa (Sausage), Szynka (Ham) but also contain many other goodies—it is good to be grateful for the blessings that are part of our lives at this time of the year.
For your diary
Our March meeting was another wonderful night. We were fortunate to have the beauti- ful NET girls lead us in some worship songs, followed by an outstanding supper of a cuppa and croissants. The evening then took a contemplative tone, where we reflect- ed on the role of Veronica in the Passion.. We look forward to hosting another evening on Tuesday April 23.
Come join us.
Bon Appetit
Each year Archbishop Coleridge host a dinner at Wynberg, his official residence in Brisbane, for all young men and women who are discerning a vocation to priesthood or religious life. It is a chance for the Archbishop to meet and share some of his story and talk about some of the current exciting challenges and his vision for our local church. If you would like more information or would like to receive a invitation to the dinner please contact Fr Isaac or Fr Peter.
Our Pilgrimage of Faith
We welcome into God’s Family, the Church, Pedro De Oliveira Giroldo, Winston Johnson, Amilie O’Mahony and Liam O’Mahony, Harlan and Judd Weber who will be baptised this weekend.
We pray for all those who have died, especially Rob Morrison whose funeral rites were celebrated last Tuesday. May Robert’s soul and the souls of all our departed priests, religious, family and friends, through the rich mercy of God, Rest in Peace.
Archdiocesan Youth Rally 2024
Join us and youth groups and ministries from across the Archdiocese of Brisbane for a night of live music, games, inspirational speakers, power prayer and the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This is a free event.
Friday 22 March, 6.00-8.30pm
La Cordelle Auditorium, Padua College.
We will be joining with our neighbouring Caloundra Parish and taking a bus to this event and if you would like to join us or want more information please contact Fr Isaac at the Parish Office (07) 5443 3488.
Confirmation 2024 – don’t procrastinate!
Registrations are now open for Confirmation. If you have a child in Year 3, or older, please enrol online via our website. Parent information night will be held at the Stella Maris Church, Maroochydore on Wednesday 24 April at 5.00pm. Please visit our web page for further information and to enrol your child.
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