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Latest Parish News May 10, 2024

Ascension Sunday
Breakfast panckaes_fr Isaac


Next weekend, we celebrate the feast of Pentecost (also called Whitsunday or Whitsun. Pentecost takes place 49 days after Easter Sunday and commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Mary, mother of Jesus and the Apostles while they were in Jerusalem. We invite all parishioners to wear the colour red at mass next weekend to celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost. Can any parishioners who are growing red flowers in their garden kindly bring them into the office for our decorating team for Pentecost.


Pancakes anyone?

Hospitality was the focus of our Parish Family last weekend and across the community there was a wide variety of food and light refreshments to share. A big thank you to all our fellow parishioners who prepared, served and cleaned up afterwards—a grateful parish says thank you!!! A special acknowledgement to MasterChef Fr Isaac who became more proficient with flipping pancakes the more he flipped!!!




Over the past fortnight a staggering 18 men and women have commenced their RCIA journey through our parish. They will meet every fortnight learning about the faith of the Catholic Church and growing closer to God. Please keep all of these people in your prayers.



Grief Support Morning Tea

Anyone who has lost a relative, or someone close to them who has recently died, are invited to The Grief Support Morning Tea on Friday 17 May after the 9.00am Mass in the parish office boardroom.



Baptismal Policy

All registrations for  baptism are completed online now via our website 

Our online registration for baptism is very easy with 4 basic steps:

1. Fill out the online form

2. Upload supporting documentation like the birth certificate (pc or laptop only)

3. Comply with government legislation, which means both parents must sign the parental authority

4. Choose a godparent (must be Catholic and aged 16 years or older in good standing with the Church)

Infant Baptism (aged 0 – 6 years)

  • Parent(s) attend Baptismal Preparation first Thursday of the month/
  • Baptisms are celebrated Saturday morning 10.00am Stella Maris Church, Maroochydore.
  • Other Churches and times during Mass are available on request after checking with the parish office.

Older Children Baptism (aged 7 – 15 years)

  • Attend initial enquiry session (8 September, 10:15am Stella Maris Func- tion Room)
  • Attend 2 hour preparation session (29 September, 2pm)
  • Candidate is required to attend 5 Masses and complete a baptism work-
  • We encourage this age group to be baptised during Mass but they may attend 10am Saturday morning if desired

Older Children (aged 16- 17 years)

  • This age group will participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Youth, which this year begins in June 2024. Further information will be available.
  • Adults aged 18 years and over register via the Becoming Catholic/RCIA drop down menu on the website.


Liturgy Committee

Liturgy is the highest moment of prayer and purpose for our Sunshine Coast parish. As Catholics, we believe that it is the primary setting where God and people come together for the good of the whole world. Our Parish Liturgy Committee meets once a quarter and the goal of the committee is for us to plan and aspire to celebrate the sacred rites of the Church with dignity and inspiration.




Lost Property

If you have left behind any important items please see your Mass Coordinator or the Parish office to reclaim them. Other wise you may see Fr Isaac wearing them at the next mass!!!




Misa en Español

Cambio de fecha — There is a change of date for this months Spanish Mass. Mass this month will be on the third Sunday in May — Saturday 18 May commencing at 6.00pm, St Mary’s Buderim. The change of date has occurred to coincide with the Feast of Pentecost. Please stay for some delicious Spanish Hospitality after Mass. All new comers are most welcome.

To keep up to date with the activities of the Spanish group, you can join there Facebook Page — Comunidad Catalica Latina De Sunshine Coast!




May is the month of the most Blessed Virgin Mary

During the month of May, you are invited to join in praying the Rosary. The Pope has asked for Rosary intentions during the month of May for the formation of religious men and women. Please join us for one of the below events or go to our facebook page for more information.

On the journeyWhere life meets Faith

We welcome into God’s Family, the Church, Amelia Bell, Elias Bell, Nixon Bell and Leo Lawrence who will be baptised this weekend in our parish.

We pray for all those who have died, especially Agnes Babos, Suzanne McGarry, Agnes Murphy and Gwenda Wyles.

Agnes Murphy’s Funeral Rites will be celebrated at Stella Maris on Tuesday 14 May at 11.00am.

May their souls, and the souls of all our faithfully departed priests, religious, family and parishioners, through the rich mercy of God Rest in Peace.











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