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Latest Parish News May 24, 2024

Trinity Sunday
Latest Parish News

Welcome to Trinity Sunday

The Sunday after Pentecost is celebrated as the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. This timing is deliberate, coming as it does after the commemorations of the life, passion and resurrection of Christ at Easter, and of the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Although the term “Trinity” does not appear in scripture, many bible passages make clear the mutual relationship between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. As Elizabeth Harrington from Liturgy Brisbane notes, the Mass prayers set down for the feast strongly affirm Christian belief in the mystery of the Holy Trinity and emphasise that it is God who is three-in-one whom we adore.

For example in this weekend’s opening prayer:

“God our Father, who by sending into the world the Word of truth and the Spirit of sanctification made known to the human race your wondrous mystery, grant us, we pray, that in professing the true faith, we may acknowledge the Trinity of eternal glory and adore your Unity, powerful in majesty.” This notion is reinforced in the preface. “For with your Only Begotten Son and the Holy Spirit you are one God, one Lord: not in the unity of a single person, but in a Trinity of one substance. For what you have revealed to us of your glory we believe equally of your Son and of the Holy Spirit, so that, in the confessing of the true and eternal Godhead, you might be adored in what is proper to each Person, their unity in substance, and their equality in majesty.”

So, welcome as we celebrate the great mystery of the Trinity.


Family Prayer

Individual and family prayer is so important and is something in our increasingly busy lives that can get left in the slipstream! We are just too busy!

Yet, we all have memories of family prayer. We all remember the importance of consciously gathering as a family and friends for prayer. One of the traditional ways of focusing our family prayer is by our pilgrim state of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Travelling throughout our Sunshine Coast Parish will be the pilgrim statue. Families are invited to welcome the pilgrim statue into their homes for a week and allow the presence of the statue to be the focus of family prayer. Perhaps you can invite your Catholic neighbours and friends to join you one night and together pray the rosary or some other prayer ritual? Veronica Baatjes is the contact and if you would like to host the pilgrim statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, simply email Veronica

Please put “pilgrim statue” in the subject line.


A new month

Next weekend, we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi, but it coincides also with the start of another new month. Hospitality is always a focus of our Parish Family on the first weekend of every month, and you are invited to stay after mass and enjoy the hospitality and friendship of your fellow parishioners. It is a great way of catching up and putting names to faces!!! Thank you, as always, to those who prepare and coordinate the hospitality across the Parish.


Old habits die-hard

Covid certainly changed our lives and reinforced new habits that would have been once considered strange and alien to most of us. But now that the Covid restrictions have been lifted, some of those habits are very much with us! While social distancing is important, it is amazing how we want so much space in our church pews – sometimes I think we subconsciously think we own our pew! Let’s consciously create a welcoming space and don’t be afraid to slide down your pew or chair and allow a fellow parishioner or visitor space to sit. As a welcoming community it is the least we can do!



RCIY—Rite of Christian Initiation for Youth

If you are in secondary school and wish to become a fully initiated member of the Church, we will be running an RCIY program beginning in June. If you are interested please contact Carrolyn Watt at the Parish Office or call the parish office on 07 5443 3488.

We keep in our prayers the adults currently on the RCIA journey.


Corpus Christi

The annual Corpus Christi procession will take place at the Cathedral of St Stephen on Sunday, June 2 beginning at 2.00pm. Starting and ending at the cathedral and featuring prayers, rosary, hymns and Benediction the proceedings will be led by Archbishop Mark Coleridge. Further information is available on our Parish Facebook page or by visiting



What a great evening, we experienced Tuesday night. Following on from Pentecost, Fr Josh shared his faith journey giving us examples of how we incorporate the Holy Spirit in our lives . It was a fantastic night of worship, followed by an amazing array delicious, low calorie cakes!




Archdiocese of Brisbane SYNOD24

SYNOD24 marks the Implementation Phase of the Fifth Plenary Council. Since 2018 our Australian church has been asking the question: “What is the Holy Spirit asking of us at this time”? Through listening, dialogue and discernment your voices have been heard and captured through Fifth Plenary Council Decrees. Now it is time to move our Archdiocese into action.

“How can we become a more co-responsible church on mission?”

On September 6 and 7 and October 11 and 12 of 2024, the Archdiocese of Brisbane will celebrate a Synod to mark the next phase of the Plenary Council journey, the Implementation Phase.

Our Archdiocesan Synod will discern the practical and Spirit-led actions that we, as the Archdiocese of Brisbane, need to undertake in the Implementation Phase of the Plenary Council. Bearing in mind that the Decrees have yet to be officially approved by the Apostolic See, these actions will be practical and able to be implemented immediately. The Synod Engage- ment Team, and the Synod Writing will engage in strategic consultations with key stakeholders, community members and Church agencies.

Guided by the question: “How can we be a more co-responsible church on mission?”, these consultations will help discern creative dreaming and actionable ideas about what is already happening within the Archdiocese that should be affirmed, what lessons can be learned from others, and where the gaps and needs are.

Discover more by visiting the Archdiocese of Brisbane Synod24 



On the journeyWhere life meets Faith

We welcome into God’s Family, the Church, Camilo Rose Alfaro who will be baptised this weekend in our parish.

We pray for all those who have died, especially Elaine Brown, Carmel Healy and Fr Jim Smith.

Fr Jim was a priest of the Archdiocese who died suddenly on Thursday morning. He served in the parishes of Grovely, Booval and Cannon Hill as well as ministering as Hospital Chaplain at the Royal Brisbane Hospital but would be probably be best remembered however, for his dedicated service and leadership with the Catholic Psychiatric Pastoral Care ministry for many years.

May their souls, and the souls of all our faithfully departed priests, religious, family and parishioners, through the rich  mercy of God Rest in Peace.












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