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Latest Parish News Sep 6, 2024

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Latest Parish News

New Kids on the Block?

We live in an incredibly mobile society and there are always plenty of new faces popping up on the Sunshine Coast. In such a large and busy Parish like ours, it is very easy for new faces to get lost in all the activity and the rush of modern living! The ministry of our Welcome Committee is to extend a warm welcome to new parishioners and provide information about the local Catholic Community.  If you are new or if you are returning to the Church at the front door you will discover a “Welcome Envelope” containing information about the parish. On behalf of the entire parish, thanks for joining our local Catholic Family.

School Break

Our Junior Ministers Group (children from grade 3 to 6) now have two weeks off during school holidays.  They resume at 3pm on Sunday, October 6 at Stella Maris.  Don’t forget our school holiday programme “Fun Days with God.”

Misa en Españo

On the second Saturday of every month, our Spanish chaplain, Fr Luis, celebrates Mass in Spanish at St Mary’s, Buderim. It is a great celebration with hospitality and a warm welcome to new faces.  The next Mass in Spanish will be on next Saturday, 14 September, 6.00pm at St Mary’s.  Their Facebook page is Comunidad Catolica Latina de Sunshine Coast (CCLSC).

Następna polska Msza św

The next Mass in Polish will be celebrated at St Mary’s Buderim on the fourth Sunday of every month. The next Mass in Polish will be on Sunday, 22 September at 4.00pm – tell your Polish friends—all welcome. 

Ignatius Retreat

For five consecutive Mondays beginning on the 14th of October, St Peter’s Coolum will be the venue for this year’s Ignatius Retreat.  If you have a desire to deepen your relationship with God and find God’s presence in your everyday life then this could be a retreat for you!  Where are you now is where God is waiting for you!   There are no special requirements to attend.

This First Spiritual Exercises retreat runs over four weeks in daily life. It guides you in prayer and reflection for 30mins each day. The retreat is for anyone who desires to grow in their relationship with God.

The retreat was composed by Michael Hansen SJ and is based on the Spiritual Exercises by St Ignatius of Loyola. Come and experience this journey into    divine friendship in your everyday life through a program of personal prayer and attending a weekly gathering of guided spiritual conversation.

What’s Involved

Participants pray at home for 30mins each day, and meet together with retreat guides within a group once a week for 90mins, for listening, prayer and spiritual conversation.
There are five 90min group meetings.
These sessions guided by trained givers of the First Spiritual Exercises.

Your Commitment

  • Spend 30 minutes daily in personal prayer. Keep a journal.
  • Willingness to commit to four weeks of the retreat and attend five weekly group meetings.
  • Willingness to participate in group sharing and conversation.
  • To register or for more information contact [email protected]


Adoration and Prayer Night 

Please join us this Sunday evening after the 5pm Stella Maris Mass for a night of Adoration and Prayer.

The evening will be hosted by our Young Adults. ALL AGES welcome!

We will be sharing food, hearing testimony and worshiping together as a parish community.

Sun 8 September, 6pm – 8pm at Stella Maris Maroochydore.

Don’t miss this opportunity to encounter Jesus with us, we hope to see you there!


Catholic Foundation

Thank you to everyone who supported last weekend’s annual Catholic Foundation appeal.  Money raised through the appeal helps support the different Centacare ministries, as well as Holy Spirit Seminary, the Mary MacKillop Education Fund and our sick and retired priests. There are still appeal envelopes at the entrance to the church – simple drop your envelope on the collection plate.   Thank you once again for your generous support.


This weekend at the Holy Spirit Seminary, the first of two gatherings of the synod is taking place. 150 people representing the diversity of the Archdiocese will discuss, debate and vote on the proposed practical and measurable action plans.  Representing our Deanery are Fr Peter Brannelly, Fr Josh Whitehead, Jacinta Elks and Henry Martin.   To find out more information about the synod go to:

Siena’s 20th Anniversary

To mark the 20th anniversary of the opening and blessing of St Catherine of Siena church at Sippy Downs.

Archbishop Mark Coleridge will preside at the 8.00am anniversary Mass on Sunday 13 October.

This is a celebration for the entire Parish and all parishioners are  invited to join the Sippy Downs  community.




Blokes Retreat

The annual Men’s Retreat will be held on Saturday,  26 October  at the Sunshine Coast Hockey Clubhouse.

The retreat Director will be  Rev Peter Pellicaan. All fathers and sons on the Sunshine Coast are warmly invited to attend.



Women’s Retreat

The annual Women’s Retreat will be at Stella Maris Primary School on Saturday, 23 November.

Once again we will welcome women from across our Parish Family and the wider Sunshine Coast to a day of fun, friendship & formation.






Simbang Gabi

Traditionally here at Stella Maris, we have celebrated the nine day novena leading up to Christmas called Simbang Gabi.

This year, plans are well underway and we are incorporating the many different groups that make up our Parish Family. This year,  the Mass will be at 6.00am 22 December culminating in the great celebration on the morning of 24 December.




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