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Latest Parish News – 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Oct 11, 2024

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Latest Parish News

The Junior Ministers’ Youth Group is back !

Each Sunday afternoon, at Stella Maris beginning at 3pm and finishing in time for the 5pm Sunday evening Mass our Junior Ministers Youth Group meets.

This term, in addition to altar serving, we’re excited to offer training in a variety of ministries including readers, computer operators, welcomers, and money collectors. After each training session, we’ll relax with pizza, drinks, and a mix of fun games, wrapping up just in time to join the 5:00pm Mass—where we’d love to see our young members serve when they’re ready!

If this sounds like something you’d love to be a part of, don’t wait! email Bernie Baillie at [email protected] to learn more and register.

We look forward to welcoming all primary aged students to our Junior minister’s group. 


Archbishop’s itinerary – Sunday, 13 Oct

Leave Brisbane arrive Sippy Downs 8.00am

Conclusion of Mass speeches & cake cutting 9.00am

Leave for Stella Maris 10am – blessing of HEbrews

11:30 inspection of building site Buderim

Lunch with the priest of the deanery 12 noon

Depart to Brisbane 2.00pm


Archdiocesan Music Workshop

All our dedicated and generous parish musicians are reminded of the Archdiocesan Music Workshop on  Saturday, 26 October at All Saints Church at Albany Creek. The Presenters are Christopher Trikilis, Director of Music at the  Cathedral of St Stephen and Michael Mangan, composer, musician and education consultant at Liturgy Brisbane.

We want to carpool to ensure that as many  musicians as possible can be part of the workshop. Please contact Michael Fitzpatrick: [email protected] for more information.




Have you gone online and become a registered member of your Parish?  Last week, we launched across our community the invitation to register using Flocknote, our new, church designed, Australia wide date programme.  There are three ways for you to register.

By simply using your phone and this QR code it will take you directly to the parish sign up page. You will receive a confirmation code which will allow you to securely enter your family details.

When you are sitting in front of your computer follow his link and it will also take you to our Parish data page.

Feedback tells us that it is a easy process when you are sitting in front of your computer!

If you haven’t got a computer or if you have tried and technology has beaten you, then at the entrance to the church you will discover a hard copy of the registration form – please complete it and return it to the parish so that we can register you.

Finally, if you are having trouble or if you have any suggestions please send us a email. ([email protected])

Flocknote is a work in progress and every parish is different with unique ministries and needs – only with your feedback and involvement can we continue to refine Flocknote so that it lives up to its full potential as a instrument of the Good News!

Thanks for registering! 



Since January this year, Saskia Barlow has been the friendly voice and helpful person at the front desk of the Parish Office. Saskia has answered all your questions, relayed all your messages, coordinated all the activities of our large and diverse Parish Family.

From this week Saskia moves on to other challenges and we thank her for her ministry and service within the Parish and wish her well in her new endeavours.


Thank you Saskia.


The Holy Spirit is certainly alive and active in our Parish Family!  Currently, we have 3 groups with 34 people enquiring about our Catholic Faith in our RCIA programme.  All 34 are on a journey of preparation, discovery and seeking so that they can discern what next step God is calling them to take along their own pilgrimage.

As a faith community, we need sponsors to accompany them along that journey. Sponsors are a bit like Godparents at an infant’s baptism who likewise promise to be examples of faith for their godchild.

We need sponsors for those on the RCIA journey – are you interested?

Please contact,

Fr Isaac ([email protected] ) or Henry Martin ([email protected])  for more information.


All Souls Day

This year, All Souls Day falls on Saturday, 2nd November.

Traditionally our parish Grief Support Team coordinates the All Souls Mass with a special concern for those who have lost a loved one during the year. Mass will be at 9am at Stella Maris and everyone is invited to come together as a Parish Family and remember those who have gone before us and handed on the faith to us. May they all rest in peace.


Men’s Retreat 


Women’s Retreat

The annual Women’s Retreat will be at Stella Maris Primary School on Saturday, 23 November. Once again, we will welcome women from across our Parish Family and the wider Sunshine Coast to a day of fun, friendship & formation.


Nine Day Novena 

Traditionally here at Stella Maris, we have celebrated the nine day novena leading up to Christmas called Simbang Gabi.  This year, plans are well underway and we are incorporating the many different groups that make up our Parish Family. This year,  the Mass will be at 6.00am 22 December culminating in the great celebration on the morning of 24 December.


NET Update

So much has been happening over the past couple months, so it’s time for a long-overdue NET update!

A major highlight each week has been 10:10 Maroochydore, our high school youth group. We’ve loved seeing many of the same high schoolers come back week after week with their friends, and we’ve been able to get to know them well. Each Thursday night involves games and dinner, as well as an activity or talk to break open a topic related to our faith. We also have small groups each night, where we get to talk about the topic on a personal level and catch up about faith and life, followed by a time of prayer.

We’ve also enjoyed being involved with Junior Ministers every Sunday arvo. We love getting involved with the altar serving training and the games afterwards, as well as being able to build relationships with the kids who come along. It’s very special helping them learn how to altar serve, seeing them build community and leading them in faith.

At Siena College, in Weeks 8-9 of Term 3, we had the chance to run sessions in the Year 10 Religion classes. The students wrote about their own dreams for the future and were then invited into a time of prayer, in which we encouraged them to write their own prayer inviting Jesus into those dreams and into their lives. Another highlight was joining Year 11 and 12 Religion classes, where they’ve been talking about ethical dilemmas, and having the opportunity to share about our experience of the Church’s teachings on such matters and how the truth of our faith holds such value. Our weekly lunchtime sessions have also become popular and much-anticipated by many students. In these sessions, we play a game (to bring people in) and then break into small groups, where we get to talk about life and faith. Finally, in the last week of the term, we joined the Year 10s for their adventure camp – three days in Kenilworth spent hiking, canoeing and mountain biking! While it certainly was challenging, it was a great chance to connect with the students, get to know them more and be a witness of faith to them.

At Siena Primary, we ran a session in all Year 4, 5 and 6 classes, themed “Who Is Jesus”. We’ve enjoyed getting to connect a bit more with the primary schoolers and we look forward to running retreat days with the Year 4s, 5s and 6s this term!

And finally, IGNITE CONFERENCE!!! The Maroochydore group included 16 high schoolers and young adults, all of whom had an incredible experience. While the NET Team (and Fr Isaac) were busy helping run the Conference through leading keynotes, workshops and small groups and so much more, the group was taken care of by Oskar, Alek, Georgia, Yvonne and Kathy, who did an amazing job. The whole group had a transformative experience and encountered Jesus in many different ways over the four days and are all fired up coming back to Maroochydore! Special thanks to all who helped us fundraise!

P.S.: We’d love for you to join us at 10:10 Maroochydore, Junior Ministers or Young Adults Group! Contact the parish office for more details.


On the journey—Where life meets Faith

We pray for all those who have died. May all our deceased priests, religious, parishioners and family members who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith, through the rich mercy of God,

 Rest in Peace. 

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