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NET Team update 2024 Jun 21, 2024

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
NET team

“We’ll be back,” from the NET Team!


By the time you read this, we’ll be gone… but not for long! We’re all going back to our homes for two weeks.


After that,we have a week of mid-year training in Brisbane with the NET staff and all NET volunteers from the Darwin, Hamilton (NZ) and Auckland (NZ) teams. After that, we’ll head straight off to a young adults retreat run by the Archdiocese for young adults, which we’re helping facilitate, happening at Coolum (to register, go to Therefore, we’ll be back in the parish and Siena Catholic College on Monday 8 July and our first Sunday will be 14 July. We’d like to sincerely thank you for welcoming us into your parish community over the past four months and for making us feel so at home. We can’t wait to be back and continue our ministry here. In the meantime,
here’s a wrap-up of what we’ve been up to over the last few weeks.


We’ve run classes for the Year 11 Siena Catholic College students on the theme of leadership and challenges that we must overcome, and how that ties in with our faith. For the Year 12 students we explored the theme ‘Living Life on Purpose’, exploring what a purpose-filled life means and how God is the One who gives us our direction.


We have also begun visiting Siena Catholic Primary School. We spent time with students from Year 2 to 6, playing sports and joining in their classes in order to get to know them before we lead retreats with them next term. On the night of State of Origin, we held an open house for the parish’s young adults and watched the Origin together. We had so many young adults join us (and we had, an outstanding win for Queensland!!!) It was a great time to grow in community and get to know each other better. Our young adults group last Sunday night was also a social evening due to it being our last one before our break. It was a great evening and we had lots of newcomers! Unfortunately, this past week has also seen us farewell a few members of our community as they’ve moved to new cities.


Finally, on last Thursday evening, we witnessed the Confirmation of 100 children at Stella Maris. It was wonderful seeing these children, confirmed, after helping them prepare over the last month, and we pray that this would be the start of them making our Catholic faith their own.


Young Adults Corner


Young Adults Group will continue every Sunday night after 5.00pm Mass at Stella Maris (6.00pm-7:30pm) while the NET Team is away. All young adults, in Year 12 and above, are encouraged to come along for pizza, community and faith formation. One exception: there will NOT be Young Adults Group on Sunday 7 July due to the Reclaim Retreat. Reclaim Retreat is a 3-day event for all young adults in the Archdiocese of Brisbane, organised by Evangelisation Brisbane. It’s a space to rest, make some new friends, make space for God and recharge not just your body, but your mind, your soul and your heart. The NET Team will be helping with the event and several young adults from the parish are going, so you won’t be alone!

When: 5.00pm Friday 5 July to 2.00pm Sunday 7 July

Where: Luther Heights Youth Camp, Coolum Beach

Who: For all young adults, i.e. YOU!

More registration:


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