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News from our Parish schools Mar 8, 2024

Fourth Sunday of Lent
news from our parish schools

Siena Catholic Primary School 

Literacy Learning is Alive at Siena

Partner reading involves two students working together in a supportive environment. During Partner Reading, students read a text aloud, taking turns in the reading so that they can support each other to success. It is an effective reading strategy that builds word recognition, decoding, fluency, and vocabulary development.

To stimulate and ignite the love of vocabulary and spelling in students, Siena teachers are investing time and learning looking at the history and meaning of words.

Learning about the origin of words and how they are connected builds interest and excitement in students and leads to a better understanding of vocabulary and more accurate use of spelling.

Stella Maris Primary School 


We thoroughly enjoyed being part of the Parish / School Family Mass last Sunday, for the first time in a long while. Our choir did a fabulous job leading the singing, supported by Mrs Durrer and Mrs Summit and we were so grateful to the students, staff and families who contributed by reading, altar serving or encouraging participation. Special thanks to Fr Isaac and parishioners for the lovely welcome. We look forward to joining in again next term.





Siena Catholic College  

Many of the key events of our week have been linked to our Service Pillar – how we communicate the truth and love of Jesus to others through word, action and example.
MacKillop House cooked up a delicious BBQ on Tuesday, continuing our Lenten fundraising efforts for Caritas. Thanks to our talented music students who showcased their talents during the event, providing us with the opportunity to enjoy another lunch on the lawn. On Wednesday afternoon, college staff joined with a team of Primary school mums to ensure our ‘Soul Food’ freezer is again stocked. This wonderful initiative of the P&F provides delicious meals for families in time of need – thank you ladies!

On Sunday, a group of college staff, students and parents will be providing volunteers for one of the water stations for the Mooloolaba Triathlon.

On Wednesday, we recommenced our participation in the weekly Community Masses at St Catherine’s. During his homily, Fr Isaac challenged our Year 10 students to think about how they might be changed by taking the chance and trying something new.

Also on Wednesday, 57 of our Year 12 biology students left for Moreton Island to  explore the varied ecosystems of this beautiful location.













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