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News from our Parish schools Apr 26, 2024

Fifth Sunday of Easter
news from our parish schools

Siena Catholic Primary School 

Laps for Life and Laundry – What a Great Morning!
Congratulations children, staff and family members who walked, danced, and smiled their way through our hour-long Laps for Life and Laundry venture on the last day of term 1.
What a terrific atmosphere of joy, community spirit and commitment to assist our poorest of poor in the world. I am so truly humbled by the response from our Siena Primary family raising over $8,000 for the most vulnerable. Channel 7 even visited, and we had a segment on the news that night.
I would like to also thank the parishioners of St Cathe-rine’s who again assisted us in raising money for the un-derprivileged. Special mention to Joanna and Matteo Kay who braved the microphone at Mass and spoke about the event and asked for donations. I am very proud of you both. Our call, as Christians, is to assist the marginalised and the charity shown by our Siena and St Catherine’s community reflects God’s love in action.



Stella Maris Primary School 


A short week certainly doesn’t mean a quiet week at Stella Maris. Our Easter Season celebrations have been linked to our ANZAC commemorations.



Siena Catholic College  

This week, our Year 12s attended their three-day Retreat at Camp Somerset. The aim of their time together was to explore their own story and to make connections with the stories of other members of their cohort. Thanks to Fr Isaac who joined us so that we could participate in both Eucharist and Reconciliation.

On Thursday, staff and students gathered in Buderim for the annual ANZAC Day Honour March. Thanks to our Captains, Mia and Jagger, for representing the College at both the Dawn and Main Services.

Our Netball, Rugby and Touch Football teams have all continued their seasons and their commitment to both training and games is to be commended.








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