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News from our Parish schools May 31, 2024

Corpus Christi
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Siena Catholic Primary School 

On Monday, the school came together to recognise and reflect on National Sorry Day. This day, that we acknowledge as a nation, recognises the inhumane treatment of our First Nations people by Australian governments, churches and institutions and asks for forgiveness. National Sorry Day or the National Day of Healing is an event held annually in Australia on 26 May commemorating the Stolen Generations. It is part of the ongoing efforts towards reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. It signifies the beginning of Reconciliation Week. We prayed, paused, and acknowledged the immense contribution of our indigenous peoples and how we need as a nation to apologise for the wrongs and make things better. Thank you to all staff and students for their participation, reverence, and contribution to that display. Each class either made a Sorry wreath or a hibiscus purple flower to a mark of respect and acknowledgement of the day.




Stella Maris Primary School 

What a fabulous time we had celebrating our Under 8s last week, culminating in a special day on Friday. With a theme of ‘Connecting Culture through Play,’ our youngest learners, from Prep to Year Two, delighted in a
free-dress day filled with the pure joy of childhood. Kicking off with a visit from Queensland Surf Life Saving, our students were reminded of essential beach safety tips. They then revelled in a range of engaging activities within our Early Years play space. Wrapping up the day, a heartfelt liturgy emphasised the unique gifts each child brings to our community.




Siena Catholic College  

Congratulations to our Year 12 students for their wonderful Benefit Ball last Saturday night. This glamour-filled night was their opportunity to celebrate together all that their final year of schooling has been. The night was more than fancy cars, beautiful dresses and snappy suits, with the Year 12 cohort choosing a charity to benefit from their efforts as is tradition at the College. This year’s beneficiary was Sleepbus – a safe, temporary overnight accommodation service designed to get people off the street by offering an immediate, first-stop solution to those in need.

Through their efforts and the generosity of prize donors, the group will donate in excess of $14000 to this organisation!














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