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News from our Parish schools Aug 2, 2024

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Siena Catholic Primary School 

Super Learners at Siena

Each week on assembly, Mrs Sauvage, our Primary Learning Leader, presents two certificates to children who are achieving great results with their learning. The first award is the ‘Super Learner’ certificate. And the second certificate is the ‘Super Learner Encouragement Award’. Our recipients are recognised for their achievements in relation to their learning journey– some for excellence and others for trying to improve and persevering with their work.

Here are a few examples of our past award winners.

‘For excellence in your work. You always respond to feedback and bump up your work. Your use of descriptive language in your writing is awesome. Thank you for always giving your best.’

‘For trying so very hard to improve your writing. You use great adjectives to make your writing more interesting and try very hard to spell difficult words. Congratulations on showing so much interest in your work.’

We also love celebrating and acknowledging students in our school who live our ‘GEM’ culture of Gratitude Empathy and Mindfulness or who are role models for our school’s, ‘Four care Rules’. These awards are called, ‘Principals ‘Awards’.



Stella Maris Primary School 

Stella Maris School was privileged to host two fabulous Faith Formation Days for Catholic schools in our region.

Day 1 was especially for Year 5/6 students and Day 2, for students from Year 7-10.  Buses arrived from as far as Nanango and Hervey Bay, full of enthusiastic and inquisitive students. With the days organised by members of the BCE Catholic Identity team; facilitated by the dynamic young adults from the Ignite Youth team and supported by the NET Ministry team, all students and staff were treated to rock star performances, affirmed for being great people and challenged to reflect and dream.

The presenters were dynamic, engaging, upbeat and really ready to listen to the attendees. There was much singing, dancing, storytelling, games, thinking, wondering, praying through music and gifts.  Fr Isaac even made time to drop in for a greatly appreciated visit.  A fun day was definitely had by all, but more than that, reflections from our own student attendees indicated that it was day of deep reflection and meaning for those involved.

What a great way to celebrate our Catholic schools, authentic communities of faith, hope and love.


Siena Catholic College  

As we come to the end of Week 4, we farewell the 31 students who have been visiting us from Cesena, a small town in the Emilia-Romagna region of north-eastern Italy. While they have been here, these students have participated in a variety of classes and have also visited Lady Musgrave, K’gari, Eumundi, Australia Zoo and Brisbane. They have also enjoyed the opportunity to participate in surfing and snorkelling lessons. We wish them well, as they leave us for a few days in Sydney before they begin their long flight home – addio, ci mancherai!

On Wednesday, our Year 11s had the opportunity to join Parishioners for Mass. In his homily, Fr Isaac asked us to think about where we find meaning, purpose and happiness in our lives. He also challenged us to consider what we might be willing to give up in order to discover who we are in Christ.

Last Thursday night, the NET team hosted a very successful first gathering.


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