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Reflection: The Feast of the Holy Family Dec 29, 2023

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Holy Family-Stella

Holy Families


The Catholic Church has many great feasts and celebrations one of those great celebrations is the Feast of the Holy Family. It signifies the special bond shared between Mary and Joseph and their child Jesus. It honours the values of love and unity which culminates in the significance of family life. The message behind this ancient feast provides significant learnings and is profoundly relevant for today as holy families have the potential to transform our world.


Today’s feast serves as a reminder that holy families which are modelled upon The Holy Family stands as an exemplar of strength amidst adversity. Their journey was marked by challenges—seeking refuge in Egypt, poverty, uncertainties of life, and their son being murdered… Despite the trials, they modelled faith, resilience, and unconditional love portraying the power of unity and the strength derived from familial support.


Just as the Holy Family participated in the salvation of the world our families are the seed bed of thriving societies. They have the power to foster positive change shaping individuals and influencing communities. Within the walls of a home, values are imparted, love is nurtured, and character is moulded. It’s within this sacred space that seeds of compassion, empathy, kindness, and faith are sown, which ultimately has a ripple effect.


The living testimony of the Holy Family highlights the importance of unity, understanding, and mutual respect—a blueprint for modern families. In a time where division and disharmony seem common, the Holy Family leaves us with the message of fostering unity and support within our families.


Moreover, families serve as beacons of hope for others. Through families’ collective efforts, they can initiate change, whether by advocating for social justice, extending a helping hand to the marginalized, fostering inclusivity within communities and parishes, or inviting someone over for a meal. Small acts within families have the power to create a ripple effect that sparks a positive change far beyond their immediate circles of influence.


Furthermore, as alluded to earlier, the Feast of the Holy Family invites us to reflect on the roles we play within our own families. It urges us to prioritize moments of togetherness, fostering open communication, offering support, and teaching faith and love of God. In doing so, families not only fortify internal bonds but external bonds as well as they contribute to the betterment of the world.


As we commemorate this feast, let us acknowledge the immense potential families hold. Let us strive to imitate and embody the virtues of love, unity, and resilience that are on display by the Holy Family. Each family has the power to incite positive change influencing the world through their actions which is ultimately carrying on the mission of The Holy Family.


In conclusion, the Feast of the Holy Family is not just an ancient celebration but a call to modern day mission. It is a reminder of the transformative power rooted deep within families. As we celebrate this feast, let us reaffirm our commitment to nurturing strong, loving, and compassionate families, recognizing their potential to be agents of change in our world.


May the spirit of love, unity, resilience, and faith which are depicted by the Holy Family inspire and guide our families everywhere to shape a world that mirrors these virtues.


Fr Isaac Falzon


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