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The Transfiguration Feb 23, 2024

Second Sunday of Lent

The Transfiguration

This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!



Jesus took Peter, James and John and they went up a high mountain together.  These three Apostles had no idea what was coming.  It is possible that while on the way, they were complaining interiorly, wondering why they had to go up the mountain.  The mountain is a symbol of our upward journey towards Heaven.  It takes focus and drive, commitment and resolve to get there, and it is an elevated place, away from the ordinary occurrences of life.


While on this difficult climb up the mountain, the disciples stopped, in shock and awe at the sight before them.  They saw Jesus, changed in a glorious way, His clothing whiter than any white they had ever seen and  Moses and Elijah, the great Law-giver and the great Prophet, there, conversing with Jesus.


Jesus chose to reveal himself at a time when He, and His chosen disciples were alone, and away from the busyness of society. He chose a quiet time of prayer to reveal His true self in all His Glory. Like the disciples, we need time apart, to be with our Lord, so that, just as He revealed Himself to them, He may reveal Himself to us. We may not see anything as spectacular as what the three disciples saw that day, but when we turn our eyes to Jesus, we will recognise His presence and glory in many moments, situations and interactions in our lives.


During this time of Lent, as we prepare for Easter, we could make a special effort to set time aside to be simply and fully present to God so that He can be fully present to us. There may be many things we have chosen to do or not do during this time of Lent. Whatever we choose, let us remember what Jesus told us about fasting and praying:

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, do not let it be obvious to others when you are fasting, but only to your Father who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret will reward you”.


Wishing you every blessing for this next week of Lent,

Deacon Michael Khoury

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