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Latest Parish News Jun 23, 2023

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
2023 Multicultural Mass. Stella Maris Maroochydore. Sunday 18 June 2023

Multicultural Marvel

Every so often you find yourself part of something remarkable – a true grace moment. For many of us, last Sunday’s Multicultural Mass and the food and entertainment that followed was one of those grace moments. They don’t just happen – it takes energy, commitment and a lot of generosity from a lot of people. To everyone who was involved in any way and who helped us celebrate the richness and diversity of our faith a grateful Parish says thank you.


Our Photo Gallery and Parish Facebook page has more photos.


This Thursday evening at the Cathedral of St Stephen Isaac Falzon, along with Minje Kim and Gerard Lai, will be ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Coleridge. You can watch their vocation journey in the video below.

We keep Isaac in our prayers in these days leading up to his ordination.

At 5.00pm on the following day, Friday 30 June, Fr Isaac will celebrate his first Mass at Stella Maris Church – everyone is invited. If you are joining us for Isaac’s First Mass on the Friday would you please consider bringing along a plate of savoury food, or a fruit or cheese platter, to share after Mass.



The Sounds of Angels

We welcome to our Parish Family the music department and choir of St Patrick’s College, Shorncliffe, who will be joining with us to celebrate the 9.00am Stella Maris Mass. They will have been on a music camp this past week which has included running workshops for our local students at Siena College, Siena Primary and Stella Maris Primary.



Can you lend a hand?

Our neighbours at St Vincent’s Care Services have recently had a growing number of residents wishing to attend Mass at Stella Maris Church on Friday mornings. We are hoping that there may be a couple of parishioners who would be willing to assist them in walking some of their residents to and from church. Some residents will be in wheelchairs while others will just need someone to walk beside them. These ‘helpers’ would simply need to escort residents from and back to their Reception area (no need to do a Rapid Antigen Test or wear a mask as they would not need to enter the facility past Reception). Please contact Elani on 07 5459 6637 if you are interested in helping.


Catechism in a Year

The Catechism in a Year group meets this Wednesday, June 28th, 6pm at St Mary’s Church, Buderim. Our topic will be the Liturgy.


Spiritual exercise

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola retreat begins on Monday, 3 July  at “The Avenue”, Maroochydore. It is a 5 week retreat running all of July and everyone is welcome. For more information



Hospitality – next weekend

Hospitality was certainly on show after last Sunday’s Multicultural Mass – hopefully hospitality and welcome are the solid foundation that helps sustain our diverse community. Next weekend, being the first weekend of the month, hospitality will be the focus of our parish life and you are invited to join with your fellow parishioners after Mass and enjoy each other’s company. Why not bring a friend? Thanks to all our fellow parishioners who take responsibility for this important ministry.



Winter Appeal

St Peter’s Conference members with Fr Peter at the Conference’s 40th anniversary

In the first five months of 2023, Maroochydore and Coolum Conferences of Saint Vincent de Paul have given over $81,000 of assistance to 1,300 local people seeking support to cope with rising cost of living, household bills, health impacts and domestic and family violence, and other stresses in their lives. Every day, individuals and families are helped by Vincentians with food and grocery items, essential furniture and white goods, travel and transport costs and payment of pharmacy prescriptions. Vincentians also offer their time, advice, advocacy and friendship which is not included in this dollar figure.

This weekend the annual Vinnies 2023 Winter Appeal will be held across our Parish. Historically, contributions from parishioners to our two annual appeals provide approximately 20% of the two Conferences’ combined income. This enables the Society to continue to assist the most vulnerable in our community.

All proceeds to the appeal remain in our parish when donations are made directly to


BSB: 064-786

ACCOUNT: 100027046

REFERENCE: winter appeal



BSB 064786

ACCOUNT 100027007

REFERENCE winter appeal

Email your name for a receipt [email protected] or [email protected]

Please place your donations in the envelopes provided – if you haven’t come prepared for the appeal you can return the envelopes next weekend. On behalf of our local Vinnies conferences, thanks once again for your generous support.



Sociable Seniors

Our first bus trip for the year promises to be a great day out as we journey to Eumundi on Wednesday, 5 July. The bus departs at 8:30am from Stella Maris Church and it is a chance to get together and enjoy the day. The cost is only $20 each and there are only a limited number of seats. To reserve your seat please contact the Parish Office. Why not invite a friend?




Santa is Coming to town

In the North Pole Santa and all his helpers are busy preparing for Christmas. Here in the northern part of our Parish Family the little elves of St Peter’s are also busy!!! Tuesday, 25 July will mark exactly six months till Christmas and the St Peter’s Community are organising “Christmas in July”.   More information to follow, but an invitation is extended to the entire Parish to mark 25 July in your diary and join us at Coolum for a Christmas celebration without all the hassle!!!


To find out more about what’s happening at St Peter’s at Coolum, read the St Peter’s Good News June 2023


Instagrace – Sunshine Coast

INInstagrace is a 3-days teens retreat conducted by Jesus Youth for those in Years 10-12 and is aimed at helping youngsters to know and enrich their life in Christ. It supports our parish’s effort to create a community of young adults where our teens can forge friendships with their peers from similar faith backgrounds. If you are interested, please register here or contact Carrolyn Watt at the Parish Office on 07 5443 3488.

Date: 21 Jul 2023 (5.00 PM) to 23 Jul 2023 (3.00 PM) at Apex Camps, 171 Nojoor Rd, Twin Waters, The Parish will subsidise participants, reducing the cost to $100.


Yes23 Sunshine Coast Soccer Cup and Free Family Fun Day

The Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane is a member of the Queensland Community Alliance, which is organising a 7-a-side social soccer tournament / family fun day to help educate our community about the Uluru Statement From the Heart, including constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians through a Voice to Parliament. The Sunshine Coast Yes23 Cup will be held on Sunday 2 July between 12 noon and 5.30pm at Kawana Football Club.

Our  community and their family/friends aged 16+ are invited to play: please complete this online form by 25 June to join or form a team.

Our parish community is also warmly invited to bring along family and friends to enjoy the live music, dancing, kids’ activities and BBQ. For more information, please email Walters Nkemfack via [email protected].


Known by Name

One of the distinguishing traditions of our Parish Family is the wearing of name badges. We see each other each week and being known by name makes a big difference! Just imagine if we all had a name badge! With the Christmas rush and I crowds quickly descending upon us, being known by name is so important for our Parish Family. This week I have an offer you can’t refuse! If you want a name badge simply complete the form below and place it in an envelope and put it on the collection plate or return it to the Parish Office and we will get you a name badge — it is that simple!!!


Celebrating and Remembering

We welcome into God’s Family, the Church, Cooper Cameron and Isla Cameron who will be baptised this weekend in our Parish.

We prayerfully remember all those who have died, especially Ype De Bruin and Malcolm D’Elboux whose funeral rites will be celebrated over the next two weeks. May the souls of all our departed priests, religious, parishioners and family members, through the rich mercy of God, Rest in Peace.


Altar Server

An invitation to serve at the Altar. Any child who has received their Confirmation and First Communion and is interested in becoming an Altar Server at our parish’s weekend Masses is invited to contact your local Mass coordinator or talk to one of the priests.





New to our Parish family?

welcome. come as you are.

We live in an extremely mobile society, and especially here on the Sunshine Coast there are always people coming and going. If you are new to our Parish, or if you are reconnecting with the Church, we would love to welcome you more formally to our Parish Family. You will find “welcome packs” at the entrance of our churches, and if you complete and return the form we will be in contact with you. Alternatively, you can complete the form online.

Once again – welcome – we are glad you have joined our Parish Family!

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