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Latest Parish News Jan 19, 2024

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time
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Thank You

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A big thank you to all the new volunteers who signed up to be part of the ministerial life of our Parish Family and to all those returning ministers – your service is valued and appreciated.   Yesterday morning a short workshop was organised for our ministers to remind ourselves of what is best practice in our ministries and to ensure that across our Parish there is a uniformity in how we celebrate the Eucharist.   If you have not completed the ministry form and would like to be part of the group of generous parishioners who ensure the smooth running of our parish it’s not too late – there are sign up forms at the entrance to the church.  Simply complete and return them to either a Mass coordinator or the Parish Office. Alternatively, you can complete the Join a Ministry form here. 


Another Year

We welcome back to our schools this week all students, teachers, auxiliary staff and administrators as the great ministry of education begins for another year.  For families who are just beginning this journey, welcome aboard!  For families reaching the end of formal education, the journey continues!  Where ever you are on the educational journey, may this year be full of learning, friendship and achievement.


Australia Day

Australia Day this year falls on this Friday and everyone is invited to our 9.00am morning Mass at Stella Maris.  It is our chance to give thanks and pray for all who call The Great Southern Land of the Holy Spirit home.  Following Mass why not stay for a cup of tea and good, old fashioned Aussie lamingtons?  All Welcome.


Best Practice

The protocol for all our Eucharistic Ministers who take Communion to our sisters and brothers who are sick, housebound or in hospital or nursing homes is before you place your pyx on the offertory table, please record your name and the names of those whom you are going to see (the folder is at the entrance of each church). This important ministry always takes place on the day, ideally following when commissioned at the end of Mass, and only commissioned Eucharistic Ministers are allowed to take the Blessed Sacrament from the church.


New Parking Arrangements

You might have noticed that there are new speed bumps and a boom gate under St Vincent’s. Care. These additions were made necessary for the safety of everyone because there was an increase in cars speeding through the covered carpark in the wrong direction.  You can enter the carpark via Baden Powell Street but you cannot exit the carpark to Baden Powell Street – everyone must exit via Church Street.  The boom gate will automatically open when you approach it from the Baden Powell entrance – but will not operate if you are trying to enter under St Vincent’s via Church Street.    Please, always drive with care in our church parking areas.


Następna polska Msza św

The next Mass in Polish will be celebrated at St Mary’s Buderim next Sunday, January 28 at 4.00pm. Tell your Polish friends—all welcome.


New to the neighbourhood?

We live in an extremely mobile society, and especially here on the Sunshine Coast there are always people coming and going. If you are new to our Parish, or if you are reconnecting with the Church, we would love to welcome you more formally to our Parish Family. You will find “welcome packs” at the entrance of our churches, and if you complete and return the forms we will be in contact with you. Once again, welcome.

Please take the time to complete our “I’m new” Form.



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