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Latest Parish News May 3, 2024

Sixth Sunday of Easter
Latest Parish News

Hospitality – everyone welcome!

This being the first weekend of the month we always have a special emphasis on hospitality across our Sunshine Coast Parish Family. If we want to be a friendly community, we need to also be a welcoming community and providing hospitality is an excellent way of meeting new and old parishioners alike. Please join us after Mass this weekend. A big thank you to the different groups who organise our hospitality each month.


To Sing is to Pray Twice

As a Parish we are blessed with many generous fellow parishioners who are involved in our weekly Masses. But there are others who are just as musical and just as generous sitting in our pews and we would like to invite you to be also involved in the music ministry of our Parish Family! We are forming an “ensemble” that is flexible and mobile and we need musicians and singers – what about you? We are having a rehearsal on Saturday, 11 May at Stella Maris at 11.00am. For more information and to get a copy of the music contact Michael Fitzpatrick or Fr Peter.


Mass Count

Every year across the Archdiocese there is a Mass count which helps those responsible for staffing and future planning where to allocate resources. This year for the four weekends of May there will be parishioners who will be counting heads at all our Masses.



When COVID hit us it turned all our worlds upside-down and the regular routines and patterns of our lives were put on hold. As the restrictions were lifted many of the patterns of our lives did not return to normal – certainly this is true of our parish life. With the large crowds celebrating some of our weekend Masses at Stella Maris we need to look at a better way of receiving Holy Communion. For our large weekend Masses at Stella Maris, the 9.00am and the 5.00pm, we will increase the number of Ministers of the Chalice to four and they will be stationed at both side doors. This weekend we will explain the new procedure before Mass and hopefully within a week or two we will become comfortable with the new routine. Thank you for your patience and co-operation during this time of transition.


Think about it!

We are still looking for some volunteers to assist with the live streaming of our Masses at Stella Maris. It is a important ministry and it allows our sisters and brothers who are house bound or who cannot make it to Mass to still be part of our Eucharistic celebrations. If you are interested, please see one of the Mass coordinators or Fr Peter or Fr Isaac.


Job Opening

While on the subject of ministry, one of the important and traditionally a younger parishioners ministry has been to serve at the altar. We are in need of altar servers to assist with our weekend Masses and if you would like to be involved please see a Mass coordinator or either Fr Isaac or Fr Peter.

This being the first Sunday of the month it also means that this Sunday afternoon (May 5) at 2:30pm our Junior Ministers meet at Stella Maris. On the first Sunday of every month the Fun & Formation session takes place at Stella Maris beginning at 2:30pm and concluding just before the 5.00pm Sunday evening Mass. For more information please contact the coordinator, Bernie Baillie


Children’s Church

Every Sunday at St Catherine’s (8.00am Mass) and Stella Maris (9.00am Mass) we have Children’s Church. All our younger children at the start of Mass are invited to the front of the altar and blessed and sent forth with their catechist celebrate a more age appropriate reflection on the Gospel before returning to the church towards the end of the Eucharistic prayer. We are always looking for more adults to join the team and the easy to use resources makes this a very rewarding ministry – contact Carrolyn Watt, our Sacramental Coordinator for more information [email protected]

Being Sacramental Formation

Our parishioners are participating in Module 3, Being Sacramental organised by Evangelisation Brisbane. Each module contains 10 sessions and is presented at Holy Spirit Seminary every Monday evening and televised live to “hubs” located in parishes across Queensland. Module 3 will engage participants in a discussion as to what it means to live in the sacramental world. This will include investigating the broader concept of sacramentality followed by an exploration of each of the seven sacraments of the Church as well as a presentation on signs and symbols in the liturgy.


May is the month of the most Blessed Virgin Mary

During the month of May, you are invited to join in praying the Rosary. The Pope has asked for Rosary intentions during the month of May for the formation of religious men and women. Please join us for one of the below events or go to our facebook page for more information.

On the journeyWhere life meets Faith








We welcome into God’s Family, the Church, Elliot Nietschke and Georgia Hehir who will be baptised this weekend in our parish.

We pray for all those who have died, especially John Burke, Brian Cluff, Suzanne McGarry, Agnes Babos & Agnes Murphy.

Agnes Babos’ Funeral Rites will be celebrated on this Thursday 9 May. Agnes Murphy’s Funeral Rites will be celebrated at Stella Maris on Tuesday 14 May.

May their souls, and the souls of all our faithfully departed priests, religious, family and parishioners, through the rich mercy of God Rest in Peace.

Upgraded technology to serve you better


It might be great living so close to the sea but the unrelenting salt air that batters our churches means that we need to constantly renew, repair and upgrade our technology. During the week Troy Hargreaves, our technology consultant, assisted by Michael Fitzpatrick, installed a new projector at Stella Maris. As you can imagine, this is a major investment and it is a very visible example of one of the ongoing expenses that need to be budgeted for when running a large and modern Parish. While we had the scissor lift at Stella Maris we also replaced all the back up batteries in the ceiling fire/smoke alarms.












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