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Meet our Parish NET Team Feb 16, 2024

First Sunday of Lent
NET ministry

Meet the Team

We welcome to our Parish Family the members of the NET team this weekend!

NET is an acronym for National Evangelisation Team, and for more than 35 years, young Catholics have volunteered and given a year of their life supporting the mission of the Church.

This year, our Parish welcomes six young Catholics who will minister within our community. They have finished their training and have moved into the Parish. Their focus will be on our schools, especially Siena Catholic College and the St Catherine’s community at Sippy Downs but their ministry will stretch across our Parish.

Please make them welcome as they visit our four church communities over the next two weeks!


Gabby is 22 years old from Brisbane, Australia. She has a heart of mission and of encountering others and lis- tening to their stories. Gabby enjoys spending time in nature and is so excited to be Jesus’ hands and feet in Maroochydore this year.



Nathan is 18 years old and was raised in the Adelaide Hills in South Australia. He is a keen crick- et player who also loves the beach and playing guitar. He is super keen to serve with NET this year, grow in his faith and share the love of Jesus.




Alaina is 19 and from Essex, Ontar- io, Canada! She loves spending time around any type of animal and used to work decorating ice cream cakes. This is her second year serving with NET and she is super excited to be ministering in Maroochydore.


Noah is 18 years old from the Blue Mountains, NSW. He is an adven- turous young man who loves pizza and being outdoors, especially at the beach and the basketball court. He can’t wait to share his love for God with young people.



Maddie is 19 years old from a small country town called Clifton in QLD. She holds a Cert 3 in early childhood education and care. She enjoys mixed netball and go- ing to the gym. She is excited to help support and guide young people on their journey closer to Jesus.



Sam is 19 years old and calls Bris- bane, Queensland home. He loves music and singing, nature and the environment and good chats. He is so keen to share his faith and grow closer to God during his time on NET.


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