This weekend across our Parish Family, being the first weekend of the month, hospitality across our community is our focus!
You are invited to stay behind after Mass and catch up with old friends or meet new ones, especially at our 9.00am Stella Maris Mass! We welcome all those who have been baptised during the past year and their families – we want to celebrate with you the great journey of faith that you have begun! Thank you also to our local Knights of the Southern Cross for hosting the sausage sizzle after the 9.00am Mass, your culinary skills and generosity are appreciated.
This is the last weekend before the majority of our schools resume their educational routine. For our visitors and holiday makers, who are joining us, you are most welcome. For Fr Isaac, his focus this week- end is on leading the Reclaim Youth Retreat at Luther Heights. We keep Fr Isaac and the participants in our prayers over these two days.
First Communion
Don’t procrastinate – register now, because of numbers and our duty to provide adequate preparation, once we begin our First Communion Sacramental Program, we cannot accept any late registrations. So, don’t delay registrations are now open for First Communion. If your child is in Year 4 or older, please enrol online via our website maroochydoreparish.com.au. Parent information night will be on Tuesday 16 July at 5.00pm. First Communion candidates are not required to at- tend the parent session. Please see our Parish website maroochydoreparish.com.au for further information and all scheduled First Communion dates. For all enquiries, Please email Carrolyn Watt, our Sacramental Coordinator, or call the Parish office on 07 5443 3488.
Family Prayer
Individual and family prayer is so important and is something in our increasingly busy lives that can get left in the slipstream! We are just too busy!Yet, we all have memories of family prayer. We all re- member the importance of consciously gathering as a family and friends for prayer. One of the traditional ways of focusing our family prayer is by our pilgrim state of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Travelling throughout our Sunshine Coast Parish will be the pilgrim statue. Fami- lies are invited to welcome the pilgrim statue into their homes for a week and allow the presence of the statue to be the centre of family prayer. Perhaps, you can invite your Catholic neighbours and friends to join you one night, and together pray the rosary or some other pray- er ritual? Veronica Baatjes is the contact and if you would like to host the pilgrim statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, email Veronica C/- the parish office. Please put “pilgrim statue” in the subject line. There are brochures at the entrance to all our churches.
Young Adults
Because of the Reclaim Youth retreat taking place this weekend there will be no Young Adults gathering after the 5pm Sunday Mass this Sunday – our gatherings will resume next weekend! Every Sunday night after the 5.00pm Mass, we gather for pizza, fun, and faith for- mation—it’s a great way to connect with friends and grow in your faith. Plus, every second Wednesday (next one is 5 June), we meet at a couple’s house in Marcus Beach for a cosy dinner and a deeper discussion on faith. Don’t miss out on these awesome opportunities to build community and explore your beliefs. For more details, contact Fr Isaac (su******@bn*.au)
Fr Peter’s Little Ensemble – consider joining?
Our Parish Family is blessed with talented and generous musicians and singers who week in and week out lead our Eucharistic celebrations. They are backed up by our Parish Liturgy Committee who spend hours reflecting on the weekly scripture, the emerging themes and the issues and challenges confronting our community to provide the appropriate musical settings and hymn selections. All these ingredients come together each time we gather to celebrate the Eucharist. But hidden in our pews are many other talented musicians and singers and we want to give you an invitation to take the next step and consider joining Fr Peter’s little ensemble – a mobile musical group that once a month allows the others to have a break and leads one of our Parish Masses.
So if you play the guitar, flute, bagpipes or recorder – if you sing fantastically in the shower – if you appreciate that there is safety in numbers – then our little ensemble is for you! Why not join us? To join our merry little band contact Fr Peter or Michael Fitzpatrick c/- the parish office su******@bn*.au
Rite of Christian Initiation for Youth
If you are in secondary school and wish to become a fully initiated member of the Church, we will be facilitating an RCIY programme beginning in June. If you are interested, please contact Carrolyn Watt or call the parish office 5443 3488. We keep in our prayers the adults currently on the RCIA journey.
Thank you
Finally a big thank you to all who prepared, served and cleaned up afterwards over this hospitality weekend. You are appreciated.
Children’s Church
Every Sunday at St Catherine’s (8.00am Mass) and Stella Maris (9.00am Mass) we have Children’s Church. All our younger children at the start of Mass are invited to the front of the altar, blessed and sent forth with their catechist to celebrate a more age appropriate reflection on the Gospel.
We are always looking for more adults to join the team and the easy to use resources make this a very rewarding ministry – see Fr Peter or Fr Isaac for more info.
Blessing & Opening invitation
We will be welcoming our Former Parish Priest, Fr Joe Duffy on Sunday 21 July after the 9.00am Stella Maris Mass to bless the completed parish renovations project. We will name two meeting rooms as part of the ceremony: The Duffy Room and The Bliss Room. It will be a great opportunity to catch up with Fr Joe and enjoy the hospitality of the Parish after the 9.00am Mass.
Dementia Awareness Information session
The Dilemma of Dementia a presentation on Dementia Awareness! We have invited Leah Keating to visit the Parish to answer some questions surrounding dementia vs normal ageing and modifiable risk factors for dementia. For many of us dementia impacts our lives as we care for loved ones and friends—for the rest of us, we all have questions.
Have you ever wondered what dementia is versus normal ageing?
Do you know about modifiable risk factors for dementia?
Are you a carer for someone living with dementia?
Would you like to learn more about communication strategies or how to best support your loved one as their brain is changing with the disease?
If you care for someone living with dementia or would like to learn more about how to best support your loved ones with dementia, then come along to this free presentation and morning tea on Friday, 26 July after the 9.00am Stella Maris mass. This event is sponsored by Holy Cross Funerals.
July’s meeting is shaping up to be another wonderful night. We are continuing on with our theme from May and June, this month we will be digging deeper into the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. This month, there will be a focus on prayer and reflection, along with some worship. As always, there will be the joy of meeting new people and sharing our faith with others. Come join us, all women in the parish are very welcome. Join us on Tuesday 23 July at Stella Maris at 6.00pm
A new start
This weekend marks the first weekend of the new financial year. How quickly they seem to come around! We can only cover our running expenses, pay down our debt, and budget with confidence for the future mission of the Parish through your generous financial support. Thank you. If you are new to our Parish Family or if you would like to join your fellow parishioners in financially supporting your Parish there are brochures at the entrance to the church. Alternatively you can visit our Parish Donation pageand follow the links to make a contribution. However, you decide to financially support your Parish Family – everyone’s sacrifice is appreciated and no one’s generosity is taken for granted.
Misa en Españo
On the second Saturday of every month, our Spanish chaplain, Fr Luis, celebrates Mass in Spanish at St Mary’s, Buderim. It is a great celebration with hospitality and a warm welcome to new faces. The next Mass in Spanish will be on Saturday, 14 July, 6.00pm at St Mary’s. Our FaceBook page is Comunidad Catolica Latina de Sunshine Coast (CCLSC).
Następna polska Msza św
The next Mass in Polish will be celebrated at St Mary’s Buderim on the fourth Sunday of every month. The next Mass in Polish will be on Sunday 28 July 4.00pm – tell your Polish friends—all welcome.
On the journey—Where life meets Faith
We welcome into God’s Family, the Church, Theodore Eastcott and Noah Lucas who will be baptised this weekend in our parish.
We pray for all those who have died, especially Robert McCormack, Bonaventure “Bonny” Orazio and Friedhelm “Fred” Laqua.
Robert McCormack’s Funeral Rites were celebrated at Stella Maris Church on Thursday, 4 July; Bonny Orazio’s Funeral Rites were celebrated on Friday 5 July.
Fred Laqua’s Funeral Rites will be celebrated on Thursday 11 July 11.00am at Stella Maris Church.
May their souls, and the souls of all our faithfully departed priests, religious, family and parishioners, through the rich mercy of God Rest in Peace.
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