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Parish Ministries

Mass > Parish Ministries

Baptism Support Group

The Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. During the Rite of Baptism, the Priest or Deacon declares that this Church shares in the joy of your new born child, elates at the fact that the numbers of God’s children have increased, and offers the parents and Godparents the support of this faith community.

Volunteers in the Baptism Support Group become a friendly and welcoming face at the Baptism and at the monthly baptismal preparation meeting. 

Your commitment is once a month to welcome young families at the preparation meeting and to be on a roster to welcome families to the baptismal celebration.

Children's Church

Children’s Church is when the children leave the congregation to celebrate and reflect on the Sunday Gospel reading in an age appropriate way. The children are led through prayers, songs and readings that are adapted to their level of understanding.

Attending Mass together is a part of being a Catholic Family, while Children’s Liturgy of the Word allows children to enter the celebration more fully by catering to their needs.

You always work as a team and all the resources are provided. Your commitment to fulfil this ministry, which runs only during school terms, is to join a team and go on a roster.

Communion Minister

Communion ministers, or Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, assist with the distribution of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ at the Eucharist. It is an important ministry, and we depend upon the generosity of parishioners to be on a roster and serve at a mass of your convenience.

Communion Ministers to the Sick

In this Ministry, you are an extension of the worshiping community bringing Holy Communion to to our community members that are sick and housebound and cannot be with the rest of the community at the regular Eucharistic celebration. This is an extremely important ministry that requires reverence for the Eucharist and concern for your fellow parishioner. 


Music Ministry

"There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is.”  William P. Merrill

You are already part of the Music ministry by your participation during Mass. However, our music ministry requires many other gifts and talents to continue making this ministry fruitful. Each week across our diverse parish we are blessed with so many fellow parishioners who share their time and musical gifts.   But it is unfair to just rely on the few!  If you play a musical instrument, or can sing and would like to be part of a choir, then your Parish Family needs you!  The Liturgy Committee will offer regular workshops to assist.  

Liturgy of the Word

This ministry is to proclaim the Word in partnership with the Priest, leading up to and enhancing the message in the homily. This may include proclaiming the first reading, Psalm, second reading, and prayers of the faithful.

This is a ministry that is open to everyone and there are no surprises because we will give you a Break Open the Word so that you can practise beforehand!  The parish will provide regular training to discuss and support readers the best ways to proclaim God’s Word.  

Your commitment is to go onto your community’s roster.

Grief Support Group

One of the most powerful ministries of our Parish Family is our Grief Support Group.   It is true that every one of us will one day have to sit in the front pew and mourn the loss of a loved one. It is a journey that we all know is unavoidable.  When that does happen, here in our Parish community, we want to assure that no one feels that they have to go through this journey alone.

When a death occurs, life, for those who live on, changes forever. Our Parish recognises this change, and offers hope and comfort to those who grieve the loss of a loved one. As Jesus comforted Mary and Martha, this parish community can reach out to comfort those who mourn.  The Grief Support Group organises the regular morning tea,  makes contact with the family to see if any assistance is needed, coordinates the annual All Souls' Memorial Mass, and a member of the group attends the Funeral Service. 


Many people behind the scenes are needed to ensure our Eucharistic celebrations run smoothly. Sacristans are responsible for setting and cleaning up liturgical items for Mass.

Your Responsibility is to work with the Mass coordinator and the Priest to ensure the smooth celebration of our weekly Masses.


Throughout the bible, hospitality is such an essential part of the story of the people of God.  We want our Parish Family to be known for its friendly hospitality. 

On the first weekend of each month, all our communities offer hospitality after Mass.  It is a chance for parishioners and new members of our community to gather and share a cuppa and some refreshments.  For each community, the form of hospitality is different but the goal remains the same.  

Funeral Hospitality

After a funeral in our churches often people gather to remember, give thanks and support each other.   This gathering is such an important time.  Our Funeral Hospitality Group is several teams who volunteer to set up and serve at the post-funeral gathering.  All the food is provided, and this ministry is really about being a friendly face; serving the tea, coffee and refreshments; and helping where necessary. 

Church Cleaning Group

If cleanliness is next to godliness, then we want all four of our churches to be a reflection of heaven!   Each week teams of fellow parishioners take it in turns to clean our sacred spaces.  The truth of the matter is that we can’t afford commercial cleaners so this is a practical ministry that benefits the whole community.  

Welcoming Group

“I was a stranger and you welcomed me”.

Australia is such a highly mobile society and here on the Sunshine Coast there are always new faces sitting in our pews.  Our welcoming group is a vital ministry that does what its title says - welcome!  

Not only does this group deliberately create a sense of welcome and inclusion by greeting and handing out  newsletters, several times a year they represent the parish at our welcome nights where we welcome new members of the parish and introduce ourselves in an informal way.  A friendly face and a desire to make newcomers feel included is all you need for this ministry.  

Join a Ministry

If you would like to be involved in our Church Ministries, or any Outreach ministry, please let us know.

If you have an interest in any ministry area, parish activity or joining a parish group, you can always contact the Parish Office directly or complete our Join a Ministry form.

Stella Maris is grateful for your involvement!

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