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Latest Parish News Aug 9, 2024

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Latest Parish News

What’s on…

Junior Ministers

We launch this Sunday, 11 August, our new, regular Junior Ministers youth programme.  If you have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and are in Year 3 or above then this Youth group is for you! From this Sunday we embark on an exciting new format! Our Junior Ministers youth group will now gather every Sunday from 3.00pm to 5.00pm at Stella Maris during the school term. Tell your friends and come along! In our sessions, we’ll explore various ministries where our young people can get involved. After our activities, we’ll enjoy a snack of pizza and a drink, followed by fun games. We’ll wrap-up just in time to join the 5.00pm Mass celebration. If you’re interested and would like to learn more, please reach out to Bernie Baillie at bb*********@gm***.au.

Parish Planned Giving

Available at the entrance of all our four churches we have new information envelopes containing details about our Parish Planned Giving programme and the many ways you can support  your Parish and our Endowment Fund which will provide your Parish Family with financial security into the future. For new and returning members of our Parish there is a Welcome Pack. It contains valuable information about your new Parish Family.  We have a new parishioner’s welcome night coming up on Monday 19 August 6.00pm-7.30pm, we would like to personally invite you so please take a Welcome Pack home with you and contact us so that we can officially welcome you to our wonderful Catholic Community.


Halfway Mark

Sacramental preparation brings life and energy to our Parish Family.  Currently we have over 90 of our younger parishioners and their families energetically preparing.  We are now halfway through the program for this year with the celebration of the sacrament happening over the weekend of August 24/25. This week we are learning about Reconciliation with the candidates undertaking the sacrament next Wednesday. We would like to thank everyone and particularly the Catechists for making these young people feel so very welcome in our communities. All of us who are older can remember our own First Communion Day! Hopefully it will be an experience they remember for the rest of their lives.

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Carrolyn Watt, Parish Sacramental Coordinator.


Good Stewardship

The old saying that you cannot run the church on Hail Marys is very true!  That is why our Parish has a Finance Committee that meets regularly to ensure that we are good stewards of the resources that you, our parishioners, generously give us.  Your contribution helps us to cover our running costs, pay down our parish debt of $1,509,248.00, to plan for the future while ensuring all the current ministries and outreach are funded is the responsibility of the Finance Committee. Thank you for your generous financial support and your trust in the work of the Committee, it is appreciated.  The next meeting of the Parish Finance Committee will be this Monday evening in the Parish Office.

Children’s Church

Every Sunday at St Catherine’s (8.00am Mass) and Stella Maris (9.00am Mass) we have Children’s Church. All our younger children at the start of Mass are sent forth with their catechist to celebrate a more age appropriate  reflection on the Gospel before returning to the church towards the end of the  Eucharistic prayer.  We are always looking for more adults to join the team and the easy to use resources make this a very rewarding  ministry –  see Fr Peter, Fr Isaac or Carrolyn Watt, our Sacramental Coordinator for more information.


Następna polska Msza św

Mass in Polish is celebrated at St Mary’s Buderim on the fourth Sunday of every month. The next Mass in Polish will be on Sunday August 24 at 4.00pm – tell your Polish friends— all welcome. 


Ignite Conference Fundraiser 

Each year, one of the biggest Catholic youth gatherings takes place in Brisbane with the Ignite Conference this year taking place at St Laurence’s College September 19-22. Ignite Conference draws together a network of high schoolers, young adults, ministry leaders, families, teachers, priests and   religious from around the country, sending them out with a passion for mission and authentic faith in Jesus.  At the heart of these four days is the potential of large-scale gatherings of Catholics to worship, receive powerful preaching and participate in the sacraments.

This year our Stella Maris Parish is planning on sending 50 of our younger members to the conference.  To help cover some of the registration costs after the 9.00am Mass this Sunday the youth will be organising a sausage sizzle – at $3 a sausage. Your support is appreciated.

If you would like to find out more about the conference or would like to join us at the conference please contact Fr Isaac (fa*****@bn*.au)

Bon appetit!


Ministry of Hospitality

It is hard to miss the new addition to our Parish Family – after much anticipation our coffee van has finally arrived!  Made possible through the generosity of a Parish family, the coffee van is not just a place for great coffee, it is an important part of our Parish ministry – the ministry of hospitality. We would like to develop teams of four people to help bring this ministry to life.  Why not gather a couple of friends and form a team or perhaps accept this invitation and we will organise you into a team. Training will be provided remember it is not just about great coffee but more importantly, it’s about hospitality.

If you have formed a team, would like to join a team or simply would like more information please contact the parish office or email Fr Peter  Brannelly (br********@bn*.au ) or Fr Isaac (fa*****@bn*.au ).


Maroochydore 10:10

Youth Group is back! Facilitated by the Parish, led by the NET Team and held at Siena Catholic College, 10:10 Maroochydore is for everyone in Years 7-12. Each night will be full of games, fun, food, new friends, formation in faith and prayer experiences. you don’t want to miss it! If you’re in high school, we would love for YOU to come along!!! If you’re a parent/caregiver/grandparent, send your high-schooler along!

WHO: All Year 7-12 students

WHEN: Every Thursday during school term, 5.30pm-7.30pm

WHERE: Siena Catholic College.


This year, the Archdiocese will celebrate SYNOD24 to mark the Implementation Phase of the Plenary Council. Together, we’ll discern the practical and Spirit-led actions that we, as the Archdiocese of Brisbane, need to undertake to be a more co-responsible church on mission. These actions will take into consideration what is already happening across the Archdiocese that should be affirmed, what learnings can be harnessed and shared, and where the gaps and needs are. FAQs: What is SYNOD24?

SYNOD24 is about discerning action plans that will help the Archdiocese implement the areas of focus (Decrees) that came out of the Plenary Council. A brief explanation of each area of focus (Decree) can be found here:

SYNOD24 will be held on two days in September and two days in October, where approximately 150 people representing the diversity of the Archdiocese will discuss, debate and vote on the proposed practical and measurable actions plans. Synod Members must attend all four days. More information on SYNOD24 can be found here:                    

Plenary Council Decree 7 requires all dioceses and eparchies to have a synod by the end of 2025. SYNOD24 is our response to this requirement. You can download all Plenary Council Decrees here:

SYNOD24 honours the significant level of broad consultation, listening and discerning that has taken place over the course of the Plenary Council journey (since 2018) and is the next step of this process. Consultations over March, April and May have been focused on voices that had not been heard previously, voices of those on the margins, experts and experienced practitioners. This is to ensure the action plans are practical and measurable, that they reflect the needs of our Archdiocese, and that they truly reflect the responses submitted throughout the Plenary Council process. To remind yourself of the Plenary Council journey since 2018 head here:

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