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Latest Parish News – First Sunday of Advent Nov 29, 2024

First Sunday of Advent
Latest Parish News



This weekend across our Sunshine Coast Parish, we launch our annual St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal.   Advent is a time when we all think of Christmas and prepare to celebrate this holy season. This year, Vincentians will be handing out Christmas Appeal envelopes after Masses with an    invitation for you to assist them as they reach out to those on the fringe of our community.    The members of our two Vinnies conferences – at Maroochydore and Coolum – thank you once again for generously supporting the annual Christmas Appeal.  All money raised will remain locally with a emphasis on reaching out and supporting individuals and families this Christmas.


We welcome back to our community the Sisters of Mary Morning Star.   This weekend, the Sisters will be at Stella Maris and will have a stall containing a wide a variety of handmade crafts and goods. So after the 6:30am, 9:00am and 5:00pm Masses, why not take a moment and explore what is on offer and in doing so support the sisters’ mission.



Our Parish Family is blessed with an extraordinary number of volunteers who keep everything bouncing along – they are literally the mortar that holds us all to gather!   Quietly, behind the scenes, fellow parishioners clean our churches, put their hand up to be part of the music ministry, lead our children’s church, take Holy Communion to those who can’t join us for Mass, coordinate our celebrations, are part of different groups and ministries – the list goes on and on!  Every year, before the craziness of the holiday season really kicks in, we try and gather all volunteers for a Christmas Thank You Party.   So, if you are a faithful volunteer, up front or behind the scenes, whether your ministry is either easy or time consuming,  a grateful Parish would like to extend to all volunteers a warm invitation to this year’s Christmas Thank You Party on this Monday evening, December 2nd, from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. Every volunteer is invited!



If you have a child between the ages of 7- 15 years old, we will be holding a baptismal preparation session for this age group on Wednesday 4 December at 5:00pm in the Stella  Maris Church, Maroochydore. The initial session will be followed by a practice on Sunday 19 January. The celebration of the Sacrament will take place on Saturday 1 February at 8:00am in the Stella Maris Church. Please register via our website



A Spanish Mass in honour of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Third Sunday of Advent will be celebrated on: Saturday, 14 December
St Mary’s Catholic Church, Buderim
Rosary and Hymns at 5:00pm
Mass at 6:00pm
All welcome!


Last Sunday, we welcomed into full communion with the Catholic Church Alireza Pakdaman Shahri, Paraa Pakdaman Shahri, Kiarash Pakdaman Shahri, Mandana Masoudi & Kellie Stead.

Next Saturday morning at the 8:00am Mass, the entire parish is invited to join with Robbie Amhaz, Olivia Boardman, Luke Bull, Belinda Byrne, Lydia James, Alice Livings, Kaitlyn Martin, Christina Mika, Samantha Mitchell, Grace Novairi, Daniel O’Brien, Tara O’Sullivan, Jonathon Selhorst, Hailey Shin, Sheena Smith, Jason Smith, Kayden Tong and Jon Walters as they are Baptised, Confirmed and receive their First Holy Communion.  Their journey of preparation that has bought them to full communion with the Church has been made possible in part by their sponsors, catechists and you, the faithful people of our Sunshine Coast Catholic Community.



Our Parish School Holiday Programme

All primary school aged children are invited to “Advent Adventures” the parish holiday activity day, to be held on Monday 16th December from 9:00am – 3:00pm at the Stella Maris Church in the Bliss Room. Children bring their own morning tea and lunch. There is a cost of $10.00 per child for the day. (Maximum of $20.00 per family). Parents are welcome to stay and help and if so children are free. Places are limited so you must register. For more information and registration details, please contact the Bernie Baillie via email bb*********@gm***.com or phone the parish office on 54433488


We are seeking students interested in performing in the play, such as actors, singers, dancers, or musicians. They will need to be available to attend all the following rehearsals.

Tuesday, 17th December, 10:00am-11:30am

Wednesday, 18th December, 10:00am-11:30am

Thursday, 19th December, 10:00am 12:00 noon and the performance at 6:00pm.

If you are interested, please contact Bernie Baillie via email bb*********@gm***.com or phone the parish office on 5443 3488.   Everyone is welcome to come and see our Parish Nativity Play. It will be held at 6:00pm on Thursday, 19th December at the Stella Maris Church. It’s a show not to be missed! Smaller children can come dressed as angels or shepherds.


Last Saturday at Stella Maris school, over 100 women gathered for our annual parish Women’s Retreat Day.  This year retreat leaders were Anita Zinkel, Karen Doyle  and Renee Doyle. A special note of thanks to the Knights of the Southern Cross, who once again showed their extraordinary culinary skills in preparing lunch and the organising committee who literally spent months planning, organising and preparing for the retreat – congratulations to all involved.



Those parents with new born babies wishing for them to be baptised are reminded of the preparation meeting, which takes place at Stella Maris Church on the first Thursday of every month. At this short preparation meeting, we outline some of the symbols used at the ceremony, answer any questions and confirm dates.  The next baptismal preparation meeting will be on this Thursday, 5 December beginning at 6:00pm. Register through our parish website:



It has never been so easy to get in touch and keep up to date with the many ministries and activities of our Sunshine Coast Parish. Why not start by visiting our Parish Facebook page?  You will receive updates on what’s happening within the parish, religious articles and content of interest. It is also a way we contact you with urgent news.  Like our Facebook and Instagram page.


Last Monday evening, the Parish Welcome Group hosted a function at the Stella Maris presbytery to welcome new parishioners to our Parish Family.  It was a chance for us to introduce ourselves to our new members and share our story and some of the exciting activities and plans we have for our Parish.  At the same time, it offered us a chance to invite our new parishioners to share their talents and energy with their new Catholic Parish.


As a community that also has to welcome many holiday makers and visitors ,we have to plan ahead.

For your information, our Christmas schedule is as follows:

Communal Rite of Reconciliation, Caloundra Saturday morning December 21, 9am

Communal Rite of Reconciliation, Maroochydore Monday evening December 23, 5pm

Christmas Eve: Maroochydore 4pm, Coolum 5pm, Sippy Downs 5pm, Maroochydore 6pm, Maroochydore, Midnight

Christmas Day: Maroochydore 6:30am, Coolum 7:30am, Maroochydore 9am, Buderim 9:30am


Stella Maris Parish Office

  • Adjacent to the Stella Maris Church
  • Office Hours 9am—2pm Weekdays
  • Telephone: 5443 3488
  • Email: su******@bn*.au
  • Website:

At Your Service

  • Fr Peter Brannelly
  • Fr Isaac Falzon
  • Deacon Michael Khoury
  • Bishop Brian Heenan
  • Bishop Emeritus

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