Siena Catholic Primary School
This week is ‘Bullying No Way Week’. It is Australia’s key bullying prevention initiative and connects schools and communities to find workable solutions to prevent bullying. The theme for 2024 is ‘Everyone belongs’. When we all feel like we belong, bullying struggles to find a place. It’s about embracing who we are, respecting everyone’s differences and standing up together against unkindness. It is in St Catherine’s words, ‘Being who God meant us to Be to set the world afire’. Belonging means we all have a role in preventing bullying. We’re encouraged to speak up and create a safe place where everyone feels supported and respected, and our voices are heard and valued. This week our focus throughout the school is around Belonging. In Daintree we have an amazing sea mural created by Mrs Jackson and Mrs Crowther. All students contributed to the mural by designing a fish. It shows how uniqueness creates diversity in which embrace here at Siena. Morning messages and class activities have centred on – challenging stereotypes, promoting empathy, embracing diversity and fostering positive relationships. The children know that they don’t need to deal with bulling on their own – there are many people at school to assist to help all feel safe and be happy at school.
Stella Maris Primary School
This week has been the Bullying No Way National week of action, with the theme, Everyone Belongs. We take bullying seriously here at Stella Maris and take a proactive approach so that bullying is prevented as much as possible, and dealt with quickly if it raises its head. We took this opportunity to organise a dedicated session for each year level to focus on key messages about how we connect with others and how we can respond to tricky situations. Students considered the difference between actions that are rude or mean and those that are bullying. They then contemplated different scenarios that crop up at school and got really engaged in identifying helpful ways to respond. Back in classrooms and playgrounds now, the challenge is to put these ideas into action. May compassion shine through!
Siena Catholic College
Despite the wet weather during the lead-in, we were still able to celebrate a wonderful Siena Day on Friday. This event celebrates all of the great things that make our community what it is. We always begin the day with a prayer that tells of our story and links us to the person of St Catherine and the town of Siena. During the remainder of the day, House Groups fought it out in Tabloid Sport, while the Houses competed for the best Palio parade, organised runners for our own version of the Palio race and created some seriously embarrassing Red Faces skits. Thank you to our House Leaders for their many, many hours of work in bringing their teams together, and the staff involved in making this such a special day. Also this week, our Dance and Netball teams reported back on their wonderful successes in the Dance X competition and the Vicki Wilson Cup Netball competition. While on Thursday and Friday, our Music ensembles travelled to Villanova College to perform at the Queensland Catholic Music Festival.
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